La conjugaison du verbe
Indicatif | |
Présent je distu dis il dit elle dit on dit nous disons vous dites ils disent elles disent |
Passé composé j'ai dittu as dit il a dit elle a dit on a dit nous avons dit vous avez dit ils ont dit elles ont dit |
Imparfait je disaistu disais il disait elle disait on disait nous disions vous disiez ils disaient elles disaient |
Plus-que-parfait j'avais dittu avais dit il avait dit elle avait dit on avait dit nous avions dit vous aviez dit ils avaient dit elles avaient dit |
Passé simple je distu dis il dit elle dit on dit nous dîmes vous dîtes ils dirent elles dirent |
Passé antérieur j'eus dittu eus dit il eut dit elle eut dit on eut dit nous eûmes dit vous eûtes dit ils eurent dit elles eurent dit |
Futur simple je diraitu diras il dira elle dira on dira nous dirons vous direz ils diront elles diront |
Futur antérieur j'aurai dittu auras dit il aura dit elle aura dit on aura dit nous aurons dit vous aurez dit ils auront dit elles auront dit |
Subjonctif | |
Présent que je diseque tu dises qu'il dise qu'elle dise qu'on dise que nous disions que vous disiez qu'ils disent qu'elles disent |
Passé que j'aie ditque tu aies dit qu'il ait dit qu'elle ait dit qu'on ait dit que nous ayons dit que vous ayez dit qu'ils aient dit qu'elles aient dit |
Imparfait que je disseque tu disses qu'il dît qu'elle dît qu'on dît que nous dissions que vous dissiez qu'ils dissent qu'elles dissent |
Plus-que-parfait que j'eusse ditque tu eusses dit qu'il eût dit qu'elle eût dit qu'on eût dit que nous eussions dit que vous eussiez dit qu'ils eussent dit qu'elles eussent dit |
Conditionnel | |
Présent je diraistu dirais il dirait elle dirait on dirait nous dirions vous diriez ils diraient elles diraient |
Passé 1re forme j'aurais dittu aurais dit il aurait dit elle aurait dit on aurait dit nous aurions dit vous auriez dit ils auraient dit elles auraient dit Passé 2e forme j'eusse dittu eusses dit il eut dit elle eut dit on eut dit nous eussions dit vous eussiez dit ils eussent dit elles eussent dit |
Impératif | |
Présent dis!disons! dites! |
Passé aie ditayons dit ayez dit |
Infinitif | |
Présent dire |
Passé avoir dit |
Gérondif | |
Présent en disant |
Passé en ayant dit |
Participe | |
Présent disant |
Passé dit |
Conjugation of the verb
Indicative | |
Simple present I sayyou say he says she says one says we say you say they(m) say they(f) say |
Present perfect I have saidyou have said he has said she has said one has said we have said you have said they(m) have said they(f) have said |
Past continuous I was sayingyou were saying he was saying she was saying one was saying we were saying you were saying they(m) were saying they(f) were saying |
Past perfect I had saidyou had said he had said she had said one had said we had said you had said they(m) had said they(f) had said |
Simple past I saidyou said he said she said one said we said you said they(m) said they(f) said |
Past perfect I had saidyou had said he had said she had said one had said we had said you had said they(m) had said they(f) had said |
Simple future I will sayyou will say he will say she will say one will say we will say you will say they(m) will say they(f) will say |
Future perfect I will have saidyou will have said he will have said she will have said one will have said we will have said you will have said they(m) will have said they(f) will have said |
Subjunctive | |
that + simple present that I saythat you say that he says that she says that one says that we say that you say that they(m) say that they(f) say |
that + simple past that I saidthat you said that he said that she said that one said that we said that you said that they(m) said that they(f) said |
Conditional | |
Conditional I Simple I would sayyou would say he would say she would say one would say we would say you would say they(m) would say they(f) would say |
Conditional II Simple I would have saidyou would have said he would have said she would have said one would have said we would have said you would have said they(m) would have said they(f) would have said |
Imperative | |
Present say!let's say! say! |
Infinitive | |
Present to say |
Past to have said |
Gerund | |
Present saying |
Past having said |
Participle | |
Present saying |
Past said |