La conjugaison du verbe
Indicatif | |
Présent je polistu polis il polit elle polit on polit nous polissons vous polissez ils polissent elles polissent |
Passé composé j'ai politu as poli il a poli elle a poli on a poli nous avons poli vous avez poli ils ont poli elles ont poli |
Imparfait je polissaistu polissais il polissait elle polissait on polissait nous polissions vous polissiez ils polissaient elles polissaient |
Plus-que-parfait j'avais politu avais poli il avait poli elle avait poli on avait poli nous avions poli vous aviez poli ils avaient poli elles avaient poli |
Passé simple je polistu polis il polit elle polit on polit nous polîmes vous polîtes ils polirent elles polirent |
Passé antérieur j'eus politu eus poli il eut poli elle eut poli on eut poli nous eûmes poli vous eûtes poli ils eurent poli elles eurent poli |
Futur simple je poliraitu poliras il polira elle polira on polira nous polirons vous polirez ils poliront elles poliront |
Futur antérieur j'aurai politu auras poli il aura poli elle aura poli on aura poli nous aurons poli vous aurez poli ils auront poli elles auront poli |
Subjonctif | |
Présent que je polisseque tu polisses qu'il polisse qu'elle polisse qu'on polisse que nous polissions que vous polissiez qu'ils polissent qu'elles polissent |
Passé que j'aie polique tu aies poli qu'il ait poli qu'elle ait poli qu'on ait poli que nous ayons poli que vous ayez poli qu'ils aient poli qu'elles aient poli |
Imparfait que je polisseque tu polisses qu'il polît qu'elle polît qu'on polît que nous polissions que vous polissiez qu'ils polissent qu'elles polissent |
Plus-que-parfait que j'eusse polique tu eusses poli qu'il eût poli qu'elle eût poli qu'on eût poli que nous eussions poli que vous eussiez poli qu'ils eussent poli qu'elles eussent poli |
Conditionnel | |
Présent je poliraistu polirais il polirait elle polirait on polirait nous polirions vous poliriez ils poliraient elles poliraient |
Passé 1re forme j'aurais politu aurais poli il aurait poli elle aurait poli on aurait poli nous aurions poli vous auriez poli ils auraient poli elles auraient poli Passé 2e forme j'eusse politu eusses poli il eut poli elle eut poli on eut poli nous eussions poli vous eussiez poli ils eussent poli elles eussent poli |
Impératif | |
Présent polis!polissons! polissez! |
Passé aie poliayons poli ayez poli |
Infinitif | |
Présent polir |
Passé avoir poli |
Gérondif | |
Présent en polissant |
Passé en ayant poli |
Participe | |
Présent polissant |
Passé poli |
Conjugation of the verb
Indicative | |
Simple present I polishyou polish he polishes she polishes one polishes we polish you polish they(m) polish they(f) polish |
Present perfect I have polishedyou have polished he has polished she has polished one has polished we have polished you have polished they(m) have polished they(f) have polished |
Past continuous I was polishingyou were polishing he was polishing she was polishing one was polishing we were polishing you were polishing they(m) were polishing they(f) were polishing |
Past perfect I had polishedyou had polished he had polished she had polished one had polished we had polished you had polished they(m) had polished they(f) had polished |
Simple past I polishedyou polished he polished she polished one polished we polished you polished they(m) polished they(f) polished |
Past perfect I had polishedyou had polished he had polished she had polished one had polished we had polished you had polished they(m) had polished they(f) had polished |
Simple future I will polishyou will polish he will polish she will polish one will polish we will polish you will polish they(m) will polish they(f) will polish |
Future perfect I will have polishedyou will have polished he will have polished she will have polished one will have polished we will have polished you will have polished they(m) will have polished they(f) will have polished |
Subjunctive | |
that + simple present that I polishthat you polish that he polishes that she polishes that one polishes that we polish that you polish that they(m) polish that they(f) polish |
that + simple past that I polishedthat you polished that he polished that she polished that one polished that we polished that you polished that they(m) polished that they(f) polished |
Conditional | |
Conditional I Simple I would polishyou would polish he would polish she would polish one would polish we would polish you would polish they(m) would polish they(f) would polish |
Conditional II Simple I would have polishedyou would have polished he would have polished she would have polished one would have polished we would have polished you would have polished they(m) would have polished they(f) would have polished |
Imperative | |
Present polish!let's polish! polish! |
Infinitive | |
Present to polish |
Past to have polished |
Gerund | |
Present polishing |
Past having polished |
Participle | |
Present polishing |
Past polished |