La conjugaison du verbe
Indicatif | |
Présent je tranchetu tranches il tranche elle tranche on tranche nous tranchons vous tranchez ils tranchent elles tranchent |
Passé composé j'ai tranchétu as tranché il a tranché elle a tranché on a tranché nous avons tranché vous avez tranché ils ont tranché elles ont tranché |
Imparfait je tranchaistu tranchais il tranchait elle tranchait on tranchait nous tranchions vous tranchiez ils tranchaient elles tranchaient |
Plus-que-parfait j'avais tranchétu avais tranché il avait tranché elle avait tranché on avait tranché nous avions tranché vous aviez tranché ils avaient tranché elles avaient tranché |
Passé simple je tranchaitu tranchas il trancha elle trancha on trancha nous tranchâmes vous tranchâtes ils tranchèrent elles tranchèrent |
Passé antérieur j'eus tranchétu eus tranché il eut tranché elle eut tranché on eut tranché nous eûmes tranché vous eûtes tranché ils eurent tranché elles eurent tranché |
Futur simple je trancheraitu trancheras il tranchera elle tranchera on tranchera nous trancherons vous trancherez ils trancheront elles trancheront |
Futur antérieur j'aurai tranchétu auras tranché il aura tranché elle aura tranché on aura tranché nous aurons tranché vous aurez tranché ils auront tranché elles auront tranché |
Subjonctif | |
Présent que je trancheque tu tranches qu'il tranche qu'elle tranche qu'on tranche que nous tranchions que vous tranchiez qu'ils tranchent qu'elles tranchent |
Passé que j'aie tranchéque tu aies tranché qu'il ait tranché qu'elle ait tranché qu'on ait tranché que nous ayons tranché que vous ayez tranché qu'ils aient tranché qu'elles aient tranché |
Imparfait que je tranchasseque tu tranchasses qu'il tranchât qu'elle tranchât qu'on tranchât que nous tranchassions que vous tranchassiez qu'ils tranchassent qu'elles tranchassent |
Plus-que-parfait que j'eusse tranchéque tu eusses tranché qu'il eût tranché qu'elle eût tranché qu'on eût tranché que nous eussions tranché que vous eussiez tranché qu'ils eussent tranché qu'elles eussent tranché |
Conditionnel | |
Présent je trancheraistu trancherais il trancherait elle trancherait on trancherait nous trancherions vous trancheriez ils trancheraient elles trancheraient |
Passé 1re forme j'aurais tranchétu aurais tranché il aurait tranché elle aurait tranché on aurait tranché nous aurions tranché vous auriez tranché ils auraient tranché elles auraient tranché Passé 2e forme j'eusse tranchétu eusses tranché il eut tranché elle eut tranché on eut tranché nous eussions tranché vous eussiez tranché ils eussent tranché elles eussent tranché |
Impératif | |
Présent tranche!tranchons! tranchez! |
Passé aie tranchéayons tranché ayez tranché |
Infinitif | |
Présent trancher |
Passé avoir tranché |
Gérondif | |
Présent en tranchant |
Passé en ayant tranché |
Participe | |
Présent tranchant |
Passé tranché |
Conjugation of the verb
Indicative | |
Simple present I decideyou decide he decides she decides one decides we decide you decide they(m) decide they(f) decide |
Present perfect I have decidedyou have decided he has decided she has decided one has decided we have decided you have decided they(m) have decided they(f) have decided |
Past continuous I was decidingyou were deciding he was deciding she was deciding one was deciding we were deciding you were deciding they(m) were deciding they(f) were deciding |
Past perfect I had decidedyou had decided he had decided she had decided one had decided we had decided you had decided they(m) had decided they(f) had decided |
Simple past I decidedyou decided he decided she decided one decided we decided you decided they(m) decided they(f) decided |
Past perfect I had decidedyou had decided he had decided she had decided one had decided we had decided you had decided they(m) had decided they(f) had decided |
Simple future I will decideyou will decide he will decide she will decide one will decide we will decide you will decide they(m) will decide they(f) will decide |
Future perfect I will have decidedyou will have decided he will have decided she will have decided one will have decided we will have decided you will have decided they(m) will have decided they(f) will have decided |
Subjunctive | |
that + simple present that I decidethat you decide that he decides that she decides that one decides that we decide that you decide that they(m) decide that they(f) decide |
that + simple past that I decidedthat you decided that he decided that she decided that one decided that we decided that you decided that they(m) decided that they(f) decided |
Conditional | |
Conditional I Simple I would decideyou would decide he would decide she would decide one would decide we would decide you would decide they(m) would decide they(f) would decide |
Conditional II Simple I would have decidedyou would have decided he would have decided she would have decided one would have decided we would have decided you would have decided they(m) would have decided they(f) would have decided |
Imperative | |
Present decide!let's decide! decide! |
Infinitive | |
Present to decide |
Past to have decided |
Gerund | |
Present deciding |
Past having decided |
Participle | |
Present deciding |
Past decided |