La conjugaison du verbe
Indicatif | |
Présent je marchandetu marchandes il marchande elle marchande on marchande nous marchandons vous marchandez ils marchandent elles marchandent |
Passé composé j'ai marchandétu as marchandé il a marchandé elle a marchandé on a marchandé nous avons marchandé vous avez marchandé ils ont marchandé elles ont marchandé |
Imparfait je marchandaistu marchandais il marchandait elle marchandait on marchandait nous marchandions vous marchandiez ils marchandaient elles marchandaient |
Plus-que-parfait j'avais marchandétu avais marchandé il avait marchandé elle avait marchandé on avait marchandé nous avions marchandé vous aviez marchandé ils avaient marchandé elles avaient marchandé |
Passé simple je marchandaitu marchandas il marchanda elle marchanda on marchanda nous marchandâmes vous marchandâtes ils marchandèrent elles marchandèrent |
Passé antérieur j'eus marchandétu eus marchandé il eut marchandé elle eut marchandé on eut marchandé nous eûmes marchandé vous eûtes marchandé ils eurent marchandé elles eurent marchandé |
Futur simple je marchanderaitu marchanderas il marchandera elle marchandera on marchandera nous marchanderons vous marchanderez ils marchanderont elles marchanderont |
Futur antérieur j'aurai marchandétu auras marchandé il aura marchandé elle aura marchandé on aura marchandé nous aurons marchandé vous aurez marchandé ils auront marchandé elles auront marchandé |
Subjonctif | |
Présent que je marchandeque tu marchandes qu'il marchande qu'elle marchande qu'on marchande que nous marchandions que vous marchandiez qu'ils marchandent qu'elles marchandent |
Passé que j'aie marchandéque tu aies marchandé qu'il ait marchandé qu'elle ait marchandé qu'on ait marchandé que nous ayons marchandé que vous ayez marchandé qu'ils aient marchandé qu'elles aient marchandé |
Imparfait que je marchandasseque tu marchandasses qu'il marchandât qu'elle marchandât qu'on marchandât que nous marchandassions que vous marchandassiez qu'ils marchandassent qu'elles marchandassent |
Plus-que-parfait que j'eusse marchandéque tu eusses marchandé qu'il eût marchandé qu'elle eût marchandé qu'on eût marchandé que nous eussions marchandé que vous eussiez marchandé qu'ils eussent marchandé qu'elles eussent marchandé |
Conditionnel | |
Présent je marchanderaistu marchanderais il marchanderait elle marchanderait on marchanderait nous marchanderions vous marchanderiez ils marchanderaient elles marchanderaient |
Passé 1re forme j'aurais marchandétu aurais marchandé il aurait marchandé elle aurait marchandé on aurait marchandé nous aurions marchandé vous auriez marchandé ils auraient marchandé elles auraient marchandé Passé 2e forme j'eusse marchandétu eusses marchandé il eut marchandé elle eut marchandé on eut marchandé nous eussions marchandé vous eussiez marchandé ils eussent marchandé elles eussent marchandé |
Impératif | |
Présent marchande!marchandons! marchandez! |
Passé aie marchandéayons marchandé ayez marchandé |
Infinitif | |
Présent marchander |
Passé avoir marchandé |
Gérondif | |
Présent en marchandant |
Passé en ayant marchandé |
Participe | |
Présent marchandant |
Passé marchandé |
Conjugation of the verb
Indicative | |
Simple present I bargainyou bargain he bargains she bargains one bargains we bargain you bargain they(m) bargain they(f) bargain |
Present perfect I have bargainedyou have bargained he has bargained she has bargained one has bargained we have bargained you have bargained they(m) have bargained they(f) have bargained |
Past continuous I was bargainingyou were bargaining he was bargaining she was bargaining one was bargaining we were bargaining you were bargaining they(m) were bargaining they(f) were bargaining |
Past perfect I had bargainedyou had bargained he had bargained she had bargained one had bargained we had bargained you had bargained they(m) had bargained they(f) had bargained |
Simple past I bargainedyou bargained he bargained she bargained one bargained we bargained you bargained they(m) bargained they(f) bargained |
Past perfect I had bargainedyou had bargained he had bargained she had bargained one had bargained we had bargained you had bargained they(m) had bargained they(f) had bargained |
Simple future I will bargainyou will bargain he will bargain she will bargain one will bargain we will bargain you will bargain they(m) will bargain they(f) will bargain |
Future perfect I will have bargainedyou will have bargained he will have bargained she will have bargained one will have bargained we will have bargained you will have bargained they(m) will have bargained they(f) will have bargained |
Subjunctive | |
that + simple present that I bargainthat you bargain that he bargains that she bargains that one bargains that we bargain that you bargain that they(m) bargain that they(f) bargain |
that + simple past that I bargainedthat you bargained that he bargained that she bargained that one bargained that we bargained that you bargained that they(m) bargained that they(f) bargained |
Conditional | |
Conditional I Simple I would bargainyou would bargain he would bargain she would bargain one would bargain we would bargain you would bargain they(m) would bargain they(f) would bargain |
Conditional II Simple I would have bargainedyou would have bargained he would have bargained she would have bargained one would have bargained we would have bargained you would have bargained they(m) would have bargained they(f) would have bargained |
Imperative | |
Present bargain!let's bargain! bargain! |
Infinitive | |
Present to bargain |
Past to have bargained |
Gerund | |
Present bargaining |
Past having bargained |
Participle | |
Present bargaining |
Past bargained |