La conjugaison du verbe
Indicatif | |
Présent je bottetu bottes il botte elle botte on botte nous bottons vous bottez ils bottent elles bottent |
Passé composé j'ai bottétu as botté il a botté elle a botté on a botté nous avons botté vous avez botté ils ont botté elles ont botté |
Imparfait je bottaistu bottais il bottait elle bottait on bottait nous bottions vous bottiez ils bottaient elles bottaient |
Plus-que-parfait j'avais bottétu avais botté il avait botté elle avait botté on avait botté nous avions botté vous aviez botté ils avaient botté elles avaient botté |
Passé simple je bottaitu bottas il botta elle botta on botta nous bottâmes vous bottâtes ils bottèrent elles bottèrent |
Passé antérieur j'eus bottétu eus botté il eut botté elle eut botté on eut botté nous eûmes botté vous eûtes botté ils eurent botté elles eurent botté |
Futur simple je botteraitu botteras il bottera elle bottera on bottera nous botterons vous botterez ils botteront elles botteront |
Futur antérieur j'aurai bottétu auras botté il aura botté elle aura botté on aura botté nous aurons botté vous aurez botté ils auront botté elles auront botté |
Subjonctif | |
Présent que je botteque tu bottes qu'il botte qu'elle botte qu'on botte que nous bottions que vous bottiez qu'ils bottent qu'elles bottent |
Passé que j'aie bottéque tu aies botté qu'il ait botté qu'elle ait botté qu'on ait botté que nous ayons botté que vous ayez botté qu'ils aient botté qu'elles aient botté |
Imparfait que je bottasseque tu bottasses qu'il bottât qu'elle bottât qu'on bottât que nous bottassions que vous bottassiez qu'ils bottassent qu'elles bottassent |
Plus-que-parfait que j'eusse bottéque tu eusses botté qu'il eût botté qu'elle eût botté qu'on eût botté que nous eussions botté que vous eussiez botté qu'ils eussent botté qu'elles eussent botté |
Conditionnel | |
Présent je botteraistu botterais il botterait elle botterait on botterait nous botterions vous botteriez ils botteraient elles botteraient |
Passé 1re forme j'aurais bottétu aurais botté il aurait botté elle aurait botté on aurait botté nous aurions botté vous auriez botté ils auraient botté elles auraient botté Passé 2e forme j'eusse bottétu eusses botté il eut botté elle eut botté on eut botté nous eussions botté vous eussiez botté ils eussent botté elles eussent botté |
Impératif | |
Présent botte!bottons! bottez! |
Passé aie bottéayons botté ayez botté |
Infinitif | |
Présent botter |
Passé avoir botté |
Gérondif | |
Présent en bottant |
Passé en ayant botté |
Participe | |
Présent bottant |
Passé botté |
Conjugation of the verb
Indicative | |
Simple present I kickyou kick he kicks she kicks one kicks we kick you kick they(m) kick they(f) kick |
Present perfect I have kickedyou have kicked he has kicked she has kicked one has kicked we have kicked you have kicked they(m) have kicked they(f) have kicked |
Past continuous I was kickingyou were kicking he was kicking she was kicking one was kicking we were kicking you were kicking they(m) were kicking they(f) were kicking |
Past perfect I had kickedyou had kicked he had kicked she had kicked one had kicked we had kicked you had kicked they(m) had kicked they(f) had kicked |
Simple past I kickedyou kicked he kicked she kicked one kicked we kicked you kicked they(m) kicked they(f) kicked |
Past perfect I had kickedyou had kicked he had kicked she had kicked one had kicked we had kicked you had kicked they(m) had kicked they(f) had kicked |
Simple future I will kickyou will kick he will kick she will kick one will kick we will kick you will kick they(m) will kick they(f) will kick |
Future perfect I will have kickedyou will have kicked he will have kicked she will have kicked one will have kicked we will have kicked you will have kicked they(m) will have kicked they(f) will have kicked |
Subjunctive | |
that + simple present that I kickthat you kick that he kicks that she kicks that one kicks that we kick that you kick that they(m) kick that they(f) kick |
that + simple past that I kickedthat you kicked that he kicked that she kicked that one kicked that we kicked that you kicked that they(m) kicked that they(f) kicked |
Conditional | |
Conditional I Simple I would kickyou would kick he would kick she would kick one would kick we would kick you would kick they(m) would kick they(f) would kick |
Conditional II Simple I would have kickedyou would have kicked he would have kicked she would have kicked one would have kicked we would have kicked you would have kicked they(m) would have kicked they(f) would have kicked |
Imperative | |
Present kick!let's kick! kick! |
Infinitive | |
Present to kick |
Past to have kicked |
Gerund | |
Present kicking |
Past having kicked |
Participle | |
Present kicking |
Past kicked |