La conjugaison du verbe
Indicatif | |
Présent je narguetu nargues il nargue elle nargue on nargue nous narguons vous narguez ils narguent elles narguent |
Passé composé j'ai narguétu as nargué il a nargué elle a nargué on a nargué nous avons nargué vous avez nargué ils ont nargué elles ont nargué |
Imparfait je narguaistu narguais il narguait elle narguait on narguait nous narguions vous narguiez ils narguaient elles narguaient |
Plus-que-parfait j'avais narguétu avais nargué il avait nargué elle avait nargué on avait nargué nous avions nargué vous aviez nargué ils avaient nargué elles avaient nargué |
Passé simple je narguaitu narguas il nargua elle nargua on nargua nous narguâmes vous narguâtes ils narguèrent elles narguèrent |
Passé antérieur j'eus narguétu eus nargué il eut nargué elle eut nargué on eut nargué nous eûmes nargué vous eûtes nargué ils eurent nargué elles eurent nargué |
Futur simple je nargueraitu nargueras il narguera elle narguera on narguera nous narguerons vous narguerez ils nargueront elles nargueront |
Futur antérieur j'aurai narguétu auras nargué il aura nargué elle aura nargué on aura nargué nous aurons nargué vous aurez nargué ils auront nargué elles auront nargué |
Subjonctif | |
Présent que je nargueque tu nargues qu'il nargue qu'elle nargue qu'on nargue que nous narguions que vous narguiez qu'ils narguent qu'elles narguent |
Passé que j'aie narguéque tu aies nargué qu'il ait nargué qu'elle ait nargué qu'on ait nargué que nous ayons nargué que vous ayez nargué qu'ils aient nargué qu'elles aient nargué |
Imparfait que je narguasseque tu narguasses qu'il narguât qu'elle narguât qu'on narguât que nous narguassions que vous narguassiez qu'ils narguassent qu'elles narguassent |
Plus-que-parfait que j'eusse narguéque tu eusses nargué qu'il eût nargué qu'elle eût nargué qu'on eût nargué que nous eussions nargué que vous eussiez nargué qu'ils eussent nargué qu'elles eussent nargué |
Conditionnel | |
Présent je nargueraistu narguerais il narguerait elle narguerait on narguerait nous narguerions vous nargueriez ils nargueraient elles nargueraient |
Passé 1re forme j'aurais narguétu aurais nargué il aurait nargué elle aurait nargué on aurait nargué nous aurions nargué vous auriez nargué ils auraient nargué elles auraient nargué Passé 2e forme j'eusse narguétu eusses nargué il eut nargué elle eut nargué on eut nargué nous eussions nargué vous eussiez nargué ils eussent nargué elles eussent nargué |
Impératif | |
Présent nargue!narguons! narguez! |
Passé aie narguéayons nargué ayez nargué |
Infinitif | |
Présent narguer |
Passé avoir nargué |
Gérondif | |
Présent en narguant |
Passé en ayant nargué |
Participe | |
Présent narguant |
Passé nargué |
Conjugation of the verb
Indicative | |
Simple present I tauntyou taunt he taunts she taunts one taunts we taunt you taunt they(m) taunt they(f) taunt |
Present perfect I have tauntedyou have taunted he has taunted she has taunted one has taunted we have taunted you have taunted they(m) have taunted they(f) have taunted |
Past continuous I was tauntingyou were taunting he was taunting she was taunting one was taunting we were taunting you were taunting they(m) were taunting they(f) were taunting |
Past perfect I had tauntedyou had taunted he had taunted she had taunted one had taunted we had taunted you had taunted they(m) had taunted they(f) had taunted |
Simple past I tauntedyou taunted he taunted she taunted one taunted we taunted you taunted they(m) taunted they(f) taunted |
Past perfect I had tauntedyou had taunted he had taunted she had taunted one had taunted we had taunted you had taunted they(m) had taunted they(f) had taunted |
Simple future I will tauntyou will taunt he will taunt she will taunt one will taunt we will taunt you will taunt they(m) will taunt they(f) will taunt |
Future perfect I will have tauntedyou will have taunted he will have taunted she will have taunted one will have taunted we will have taunted you will have taunted they(m) will have taunted they(f) will have taunted |
Subjunctive | |
that + simple present that I tauntthat you taunt that he taunts that she taunts that one taunts that we taunt that you taunt that they(m) taunt that they(f) taunt |
that + simple past that I tauntedthat you taunted that he taunted that she taunted that one taunted that we taunted that you taunted that they(m) taunted that they(f) taunted |
Conditional | |
Conditional I Simple I would tauntyou would taunt he would taunt she would taunt one would taunt we would taunt you would taunt they(m) would taunt they(f) would taunt |
Conditional II Simple I would have tauntedyou would have taunted he would have taunted she would have taunted one would have taunted we would have taunted you would have taunted they(m) would have taunted they(f) would have taunted |
Imperative | |
Present taunt!let's taunt! taunt! |
Infinitive | |
Present to taunt |
Past to have taunted |
Gerund | |
Present taunting |
Past having taunted |
Participle | |
Present taunting |
Past taunted |