La conjugaison du verbe
Indicatif | |
Présent j' acquittetu acquittes il acquitte elle acquitte on acquitte nous acquittons vous acquittez ils acquittent elles acquittent |
Passé composé j'ai acquittétu as acquitté il a acquitté elle a acquitté on a acquitté nous avons acquitté vous avez acquitté ils ont acquitté elles ont acquitté |
Imparfait j' acquittaistu acquittais il acquittait elle acquittait on acquittait nous acquittions vous acquittiez ils acquittaient elles acquittaient |
Plus-que-parfait j'avais acquittétu avais acquitté il avait acquitté elle avait acquitté on avait acquitté nous avions acquitté vous aviez acquitté ils avaient acquitté elles avaient acquitté |
Passé simple j' acquittaitu acquittas il acquitta elle acquitta on acquitta nous acquittâmes vous acquittâtes ils acquittèrent elles acquittèrent |
Passé antérieur j'eus acquittétu eus acquitté il eut acquitté elle eut acquitté on eut acquitté nous eûmes acquitté vous eûtes acquitté ils eurent acquitté elles eurent acquitté |
Futur simple j' acquitteraitu acquitteras il acquittera elle acquittera on acquittera nous acquitterons vous acquitterez ils acquitteront elles acquitteront |
Futur antérieur j'aurai acquittétu auras acquitté il aura acquitté elle aura acquitté on aura acquitté nous aurons acquitté vous aurez acquitté ils auront acquitté elles auront acquitté |
Subjonctif | |
Présent que j' acquitteque tu acquittes qu'il acquitte qu'elle acquitte qu'on acquitte que nous acquittions que vous acquittiez qu'ils acquittent qu'elles acquittent |
Passé que j'aie acquittéque tu aies acquitté qu'il ait acquitté qu'elle ait acquitté qu'on ait acquitté que nous ayons acquitté que vous ayez acquitté qu'ils aient acquitté qu'elles aient acquitté |
Imparfait que j' acquittasseque tu acquittasses qu'il acquittât qu'elle acquittât qu'on acquittât que nous acquittassions que vous acquittassiez qu'ils acquittassent qu'elles acquittassent |
Plus-que-parfait que j'eusse acquittéque tu eusses acquitté qu'il eût acquitté qu'elle eût acquitté qu'on eût acquitté que nous eussions acquitté que vous eussiez acquitté qu'ils eussent acquitté qu'elles eussent acquitté |
Conditionnel | |
Présent j' acquitteraistu acquitterais il acquitterait elle acquitterait on acquitterait nous acquitterions vous acquitteriez ils acquitteraient elles acquitteraient |
Passé 1re forme j'aurais acquittétu aurais acquitté il aurait acquitté elle aurait acquitté on aurait acquitté nous aurions acquitté vous auriez acquitté ils auraient acquitté elles auraient acquitté Passé 2e forme j'eusse acquittétu eusses acquitté il eut acquitté elle eut acquitté on eut acquitté nous eussions acquitté vous eussiez acquitté ils eussent acquitté elles eussent acquitté |
Impératif | |
Présent acquitte!acquittons! acquittez! |
Passé aie acquittéayons acquitté ayez acquitté |
Infinitif | |
Présent acquitter |
Passé avoir acquitté |
Gérondif | |
Présent en acquittant |
Passé en ayant acquitté |
Participe | |
Présent acquittant |
Passé acquitté |
Conjugation of the verb
Indicative | |
Simple present I payyou pay he pays she pays one pays we pay you pay they(m) pay they(f) pay |
Present perfect I have paidyou have paid he has paid she has paid one has paid we have paid you have paid they(m) have paid they(f) have paid |
Past continuous I was payingyou were paying he was paying she was paying one was paying we were paying you were paying they(m) were paying they(f) were paying |
Past perfect I had paidyou had paid he had paid she had paid one had paid we had paid you had paid they(m) had paid they(f) had paid |
Simple past I paidyou paid he paid she paid one paid we paid you paid they(m) paid they(f) paid |
Past perfect I had paidyou had paid he had paid she had paid one had paid we had paid you had paid they(m) had paid they(f) had paid |
Simple future I will payyou will pay he will pay she will pay one will pay we will pay you will pay they(m) will pay they(f) will pay |
Future perfect I will have paidyou will have paid he will have paid she will have paid one will have paid we will have paid you will have paid they(m) will have paid they(f) will have paid |
Subjunctive | |
that + simple present that I paythat you pay that he pays that she pays that one pays that we pay that you pay that they(m) pay that they(f) pay |
that + simple past that I paidthat you paid that he paid that she paid that one paid that we paid that you paid that they(m) paid that they(f) paid |
Conditional | |
Conditional I Simple I would payyou would pay he would pay she would pay one would pay we would pay you would pay they(m) would pay they(f) would pay |
Conditional II Simple I would have paidyou would have paid he would have paid she would have paid one would have paid we would have paid you would have paid they(m) would have paid they(f) would have paid |
Imperative | |
Present pay!let's pay! pay! |
Infinitive | |
Present to pay |
Past to have paid |
Gerund | |
Present paying |
Past having paid |
Participle | |
Present paying |
Past paid |