La conjugaison du verbe
Indicatif | |
Présent j' affiletu affiles il affile elle affile on affile nous affilons vous affilez ils affilent elles affilent |
Passé composé j'ai affilétu as affilé il a affilé elle a affilé on a affilé nous avons affilé vous avez affilé ils ont affilé elles ont affilé |
Imparfait j' affilaistu affilais il affilait elle affilait on affilait nous affilions vous affiliez ils affilaient elles affilaient |
Plus-que-parfait j'avais affilétu avais affilé il avait affilé elle avait affilé on avait affilé nous avions affilé vous aviez affilé ils avaient affilé elles avaient affilé |
Passé simple j' affilaitu affilas il affila elle affila on affila nous affilâmes vous affilâtes ils affilèrent elles affilèrent |
Passé antérieur j'eus affilétu eus affilé il eut affilé elle eut affilé on eut affilé nous eûmes affilé vous eûtes affilé ils eurent affilé elles eurent affilé |
Futur simple j' affileraitu affileras il affilera elle affilera on affilera nous affilerons vous affilerez ils affileront elles affileront |
Futur antérieur j'aurai affilétu auras affilé il aura affilé elle aura affilé on aura affilé nous aurons affilé vous aurez affilé ils auront affilé elles auront affilé |
Subjonctif | |
Présent que j' affileque tu affiles qu'il affile qu'elle affile qu'on affile que nous affilions que vous affiliez qu'ils affilent qu'elles affilent |
Passé que j'aie affiléque tu aies affilé qu'il ait affilé qu'elle ait affilé qu'on ait affilé que nous ayons affilé que vous ayez affilé qu'ils aient affilé qu'elles aient affilé |
Imparfait que j' affilasseque tu affilasses qu'il affilât qu'elle affilât qu'on affilât que nous affilassions que vous affilassiez qu'ils affilassent qu'elles affilassent |
Plus-que-parfait que j'eusse affiléque tu eusses affilé qu'il eût affilé qu'elle eût affilé qu'on eût affilé que nous eussions affilé que vous eussiez affilé qu'ils eussent affilé qu'elles eussent affilé |
Conditionnel | |
Présent j' affileraistu affilerais il affilerait elle affilerait on affilerait nous affilerions vous affileriez ils affileraient elles affileraient |
Passé 1re forme j'aurais affilétu aurais affilé il aurait affilé elle aurait affilé on aurait affilé nous aurions affilé vous auriez affilé ils auraient affilé elles auraient affilé Passé 2e forme j'eusse affilétu eusses affilé il eut affilé elle eut affilé on eut affilé nous eussions affilé vous eussiez affilé ils eussent affilé elles eussent affilé |
Impératif | |
Présent affile!affilons! affilez! |
Passé aie affiléayons affilé ayez affilé |
Infinitif | |
Présent affiler |
Passé avoir affilé |
Gérondif | |
Présent en affilant |
Passé en ayant affilé |
Participe | |
Présent affilant |
Passé affilé |
Conjugation of the verb
Indicative | |
Simple present I sharpenyou sharpen he sharpens she sharpens one sharpens we sharpen you sharpen they(m) sharpen they(f) sharpen |
Present perfect I have sharpenedyou have sharpened he has sharpened she has sharpened one has sharpened we have sharpened you have sharpened they(m) have sharpened they(f) have sharpened |
Past continuous I was sharpeningyou were sharpening he was sharpening she was sharpening one was sharpening we were sharpening you were sharpening they(m) were sharpening they(f) were sharpening |
Past perfect I had sharpenedyou had sharpened he had sharpened she had sharpened one had sharpened we had sharpened you had sharpened they(m) had sharpened they(f) had sharpened |
Simple past I sharpenedyou sharpened he sharpened she sharpened one sharpened we sharpened you sharpened they(m) sharpened they(f) sharpened |
Past perfect I had sharpenedyou had sharpened he had sharpened she had sharpened one had sharpened we had sharpened you had sharpened they(m) had sharpened they(f) had sharpened |
Simple future I will sharpenyou will sharpen he will sharpen she will sharpen one will sharpen we will sharpen you will sharpen they(m) will sharpen they(f) will sharpen |
Future perfect I will have sharpenedyou will have sharpened he will have sharpened she will have sharpened one will have sharpened we will have sharpened you will have sharpened they(m) will have sharpened they(f) will have sharpened |
Subjunctive | |
that + simple present that I sharpenthat you sharpen that he sharpens that she sharpens that one sharpens that we sharpen that you sharpen that they(m) sharpen that they(f) sharpen |
that + simple past that I sharpenedthat you sharpened that he sharpened that she sharpened that one sharpened that we sharpened that you sharpened that they(m) sharpened that they(f) sharpened |
Conditional | |
Conditional I Simple I would sharpenyou would sharpen he would sharpen she would sharpen one would sharpen we would sharpen you would sharpen they(m) would sharpen they(f) would sharpen |
Conditional II Simple I would have sharpenedyou would have sharpened he would have sharpened she would have sharpened one would have sharpened we would have sharpened you would have sharpened they(m) would have sharpened they(f) would have sharpened |
Imperative | |
Present sharpen!let's sharpen! sharpen! |
Infinitive | |
Present to sharpen |
Past to have sharpened |
Gerund | |
Present sharpening |
Past having sharpened |
Participle | |
Present sharpening |
Past sharpened |