La conjugaison du verbe
Indicatif | |
Présent j' arboretu arbores il arbore elle arbore on arbore nous arborons vous arborez ils arborent elles arborent |
Passé composé j'ai arborétu as arboré il a arboré elle a arboré on a arboré nous avons arboré vous avez arboré ils ont arboré elles ont arboré |
Imparfait j' arboraistu arborais il arborait elle arborait on arborait nous arborions vous arboriez ils arboraient elles arboraient |
Plus-que-parfait j'avais arborétu avais arboré il avait arboré elle avait arboré on avait arboré nous avions arboré vous aviez arboré ils avaient arboré elles avaient arboré |
Passé simple j' arboraitu arboras il arbora elle arbora on arbora nous arborâmes vous arborâtes ils arborèrent elles arborèrent |
Passé antérieur j'eus arborétu eus arboré il eut arboré elle eut arboré on eut arboré nous eûmes arboré vous eûtes arboré ils eurent arboré elles eurent arboré |
Futur simple j' arboreraitu arboreras il arborera elle arborera on arborera nous arborerons vous arborerez ils arboreront elles arboreront |
Futur antérieur j'aurai arborétu auras arboré il aura arboré elle aura arboré on aura arboré nous aurons arboré vous aurez arboré ils auront arboré elles auront arboré |
Subjonctif | |
Présent que j' arboreque tu arbores qu'il arbore qu'elle arbore qu'on arbore que nous arborions que vous arboriez qu'ils arborent qu'elles arborent |
Passé que j'aie arboréque tu aies arboré qu'il ait arboré qu'elle ait arboré qu'on ait arboré que nous ayons arboré que vous ayez arboré qu'ils aient arboré qu'elles aient arboré |
Imparfait que j' arborasseque tu arborasses qu'il arborât qu'elle arborât qu'on arborât que nous arborassions que vous arborassiez qu'ils arborassent qu'elles arborassent |
Plus-que-parfait que j'eusse arboréque tu eusses arboré qu'il eût arboré qu'elle eût arboré qu'on eût arboré que nous eussions arboré que vous eussiez arboré qu'ils eussent arboré qu'elles eussent arboré |
Conditionnel | |
Présent j' arboreraistu arborerais il arborerait elle arborerait on arborerait nous arborerions vous arboreriez ils arboreraient elles arboreraient |
Passé 1re forme j'aurais arborétu aurais arboré il aurait arboré elle aurait arboré on aurait arboré nous aurions arboré vous auriez arboré ils auraient arboré elles auraient arboré Passé 2e forme j'eusse arborétu eusses arboré il eut arboré elle eut arboré on eut arboré nous eussions arboré vous eussiez arboré ils eussent arboré elles eussent arboré |
Impératif | |
Présent arbore!arborons! arborez! |
Passé aie arboréayons arboré ayez arboré |
Infinitif | |
Présent arborer |
Passé avoir arboré |
Gérondif | |
Présent en arborant |
Passé en ayant arboré |
Participe | |
Présent arborant |
Passé arboré |
Conjugation of the verb
Indicative | |
Simple present I wearyou wear he wears she wears one wears we wear you wear they(m) wear they(f) wear |
Present perfect I have wornyou have worn he has worn she has worn one has worn we have worn you have worn they(m) have worn they(f) have worn |
Past continuous I was wearingyou were wearing he was wearing she was wearing one was wearing we were wearing you were wearing they(m) were wearing they(f) were wearing |
Past perfect I had wornyou had worn he had worn she had worn one had worn we had worn you had worn they(m) had worn they(f) had worn |
Simple past I woreyou wore he wore she wore one wore we wore you wore they(m) wore they(f) wore |
Past perfect I had wornyou had worn he had worn she had worn one had worn we had worn you had worn they(m) had worn they(f) had worn |
Simple future I will wearyou will wear he will wear she will wear one will wear we will wear you will wear they(m) will wear they(f) will wear |
Future perfect I will have wornyou will have worn he will have worn she will have worn one will have worn we will have worn you will have worn they(m) will have worn they(f) will have worn |
Subjunctive | |
that + simple present that I wearthat you wear that he wears that she wears that one wears that we wear that you wear that they(m) wear that they(f) wear |
that + simple past that I worethat you wore that he wore that she wore that one wore that we wore that you wore that they(m) wore that they(f) wore |
Conditional | |
Conditional I Simple I would wearyou would wear he would wear she would wear one would wear we would wear you would wear they(m) would wear they(f) would wear |
Conditional II Simple I would have wornyou would have worn he would have worn she would have worn one would have worn we would have worn you would have worn they(m) would have worn they(f) would have worn |
Imperative | |
Present wear!let's wear! wear! |
Infinitive | |
Present to wear |
Past to have worn |
Gerund | |
Present wearing |
Past having worn |
Participle | |
Present wearing |
Past worn |