La conjugaison du verbe
Indicatif | |
Présent je confessetu confesses il confesse elle confesse on confesse nous confessons vous confessez ils confessent elles confessent |
Passé composé j'ai confessétu as confessé il a confessé elle a confessé on a confessé nous avons confessé vous avez confessé ils ont confessé elles ont confessé |
Imparfait je confessaistu confessais il confessait elle confessait on confessait nous confessions vous confessiez ils confessaient elles confessaient |
Plus-que-parfait j'avais confessétu avais confessé il avait confessé elle avait confessé on avait confessé nous avions confessé vous aviez confessé ils avaient confessé elles avaient confessé |
Passé simple je confessaitu confessas il confessa elle confessa on confessa nous confessâmes vous confessâtes ils confessèrent elles confessèrent |
Passé antérieur j'eus confessétu eus confessé il eut confessé elle eut confessé on eut confessé nous eûmes confessé vous eûtes confessé ils eurent confessé elles eurent confessé |
Futur simple je confesseraitu confesseras il confessera elle confessera on confessera nous confesserons vous confesserez ils confesseront elles confesseront |
Futur antérieur j'aurai confessétu auras confessé il aura confessé elle aura confessé on aura confessé nous aurons confessé vous aurez confessé ils auront confessé elles auront confessé |
Subjonctif | |
Présent que je confesseque tu confesses qu'il confesse qu'elle confesse qu'on confesse que nous confessions que vous confessiez qu'ils confessent qu'elles confessent |
Passé que j'aie confesséque tu aies confessé qu'il ait confessé qu'elle ait confessé qu'on ait confessé que nous ayons confessé que vous ayez confessé qu'ils aient confessé qu'elles aient confessé |
Imparfait que je confessasseque tu confessasses qu'il confessât qu'elle confessât qu'on confessât que nous confessassions que vous confessassiez qu'ils confessassent qu'elles confessassent |
Plus-que-parfait que j'eusse confesséque tu eusses confessé qu'il eût confessé qu'elle eût confessé qu'on eût confessé que nous eussions confessé que vous eussiez confessé qu'ils eussent confessé qu'elles eussent confessé |
Conditionnel | |
Présent je confesseraistu confesserais il confesserait elle confesserait on confesserait nous confesserions vous confesseriez ils confesseraient elles confesseraient |
Passé 1re forme j'aurais confessétu aurais confessé il aurait confessé elle aurait confessé on aurait confessé nous aurions confessé vous auriez confessé ils auraient confessé elles auraient confessé Passé 2e forme j'eusse confessétu eusses confessé il eut confessé elle eut confessé on eut confessé nous eussions confessé vous eussiez confessé ils eussent confessé elles eussent confessé |
Impératif | |
Présent confesse!confessons! confessez! |
Passé aie confesséayons confessé ayez confessé |
Infinitif | |
Présent confesser |
Passé avoir confessé |
Gérondif | |
Présent en confessant |
Passé en ayant confessé |
Participe | |
Présent confessant |
Passé confessé |
Conjugation of the verb
Indicative | |
Simple present I confessyou confess he confesses she confesses one confesses we confess you confess they(m) confess they(f) confess |
Present perfect I have confessedyou have confessed he has confessed she has confessed one has confessed we have confessed you have confessed they(m) have confessed they(f) have confessed |
Past continuous I was confessingyou were confessing he was confessing she was confessing one was confessing we were confessing you were confessing they(m) were confessing they(f) were confessing |
Past perfect I had confessedyou had confessed he had confessed she had confessed one had confessed we had confessed you had confessed they(m) had confessed they(f) had confessed |
Simple past I confessedyou confessed he confessed she confessed one confessed we confessed you confessed they(m) confessed they(f) confessed |
Past perfect I had confessedyou had confessed he had confessed she had confessed one had confessed we had confessed you had confessed they(m) had confessed they(f) had confessed |
Simple future I will confessyou will confess he will confess she will confess one will confess we will confess you will confess they(m) will confess they(f) will confess |
Future perfect I will have confessedyou will have confessed he will have confessed she will have confessed one will have confessed we will have confessed you will have confessed they(m) will have confessed they(f) will have confessed |
Subjunctive | |
that + simple present that I confessthat you confess that he confesses that she confesses that one confesses that we confess that you confess that they(m) confess that they(f) confess |
that + simple past that I confessedthat you confessed that he confessed that she confessed that one confessed that we confessed that you confessed that they(m) confessed that they(f) confessed |
Conditional | |
Conditional I Simple I would confessyou would confess he would confess she would confess one would confess we would confess you would confess they(m) would confess they(f) would confess |
Conditional II Simple I would have confessedyou would have confessed he would have confessed she would have confessed one would have confessed we would have confessed you would have confessed they(m) would have confessed they(f) would have confessed |
Imperative | |
Present confess!let's confess! confess! |
Infinitive | |
Present to confess |
Past to have confessed |
Gerund | |
Present confessing |
Past having confessed |
Participle | |
Present confessing |
Past confessed |