La conjugaison du verbe
Indicatif | |
Présent je confondstu confonds il confond elle confond on confond nous confondons vous confondez ils confondent elles confondent |
Passé composé j'ai confondutu as confondu il a confondu elle a confondu on a confondu nous avons confondu vous avez confondu ils ont confondu elles ont confondu |
Imparfait je confondaistu confondais il confondait elle confondait on confondait nous confondions vous confondiez ils confondaient elles confondaient |
Plus-que-parfait j'avais confondutu avais confondu il avait confondu elle avait confondu on avait confondu nous avions confondu vous aviez confondu ils avaient confondu elles avaient confondu |
Passé simple je confondistu confondis il confondit elle confondit on confondit nous confondîmes vous confondîtes ils confondirent elles confondirent |
Passé antérieur j'eus confondutu eus confondu il eut confondu elle eut confondu on eut confondu nous eûmes confondu vous eûtes confondu ils eurent confondu elles eurent confondu |
Futur simple je confondraitu confondras il confondra elle confondra on confondra nous confondrons vous confondrez ils confondront elles confondront |
Futur antérieur j'aurai confondutu auras confondu il aura confondu elle aura confondu on aura confondu nous aurons confondu vous aurez confondu ils auront confondu elles auront confondu |
Subjonctif | |
Présent que je confondeque tu confondes qu'il confonde qu'elle confonde qu'on confonde que nous confondions que vous confondiez qu'ils confondent qu'elles confondent |
Passé que j'aie confonduque tu aies confondu qu'il ait confondu qu'elle ait confondu qu'on ait confondu que nous ayons confondu que vous ayez confondu qu'ils aient confondu qu'elles aient confondu |
Imparfait que je confondisseque tu confondisses qu'il confondît qu'elle confondît qu'on confondît que nous confondissions que vous confondissiez qu'ils confondissent qu'elles confondissent |
Plus-que-parfait que j'eusse confonduque tu eusses confondu qu'il eût confondu qu'elle eût confondu qu'on eût confondu que nous eussions confondu que vous eussiez confondu qu'ils eussent confondu qu'elles eussent confondu |
Conditionnel | |
Présent je confondraistu confondrais il confondrait elle confondrait on confondrait nous confondrions vous confondriez ils confondraient elles confondraient |
Passé 1re forme j'aurais confondutu aurais confondu il aurait confondu elle aurait confondu on aurait confondu nous aurions confondu vous auriez confondu ils auraient confondu elles auraient confondu Passé 2e forme j'eusse confondutu eusses confondu il eut confondu elle eut confondu on eut confondu nous eussions confondu vous eussiez confondu ils eussent confondu elles eussent confondu |
Impératif | |
Présent confonds!confondons! confondez! |
Passé aie confonduayons confondu ayez confondu |
Infinitif | |
Présent confondre |
Passé avoir confondu |
Gérondif | |
Présent en confondant |
Passé en ayant confondu |
Participe | |
Présent confondant |
Passé confondu |
Conjugation of the verb
Indicative | |
Simple present I confuseyou confuse he confuses she confuses one confuses we confuse you confuse they(m) confuse they(f) confuse |
Present perfect I have confusedyou have confused he has confused she has confused one has confused we have confused you have confused they(m) have confused they(f) have confused |
Past continuous I was confusingyou were confusing he was confusing she was confusing one was confusing we were confusing you were confusing they(m) were confusing they(f) were confusing |
Past perfect I had confusedyou had confused he had confused she had confused one had confused we had confused you had confused they(m) had confused they(f) had confused |
Simple past I confusedyou confused he confused she confused one confused we confused you confused they(m) confused they(f) confused |
Past perfect I had confusedyou had confused he had confused she had confused one had confused we had confused you had confused they(m) had confused they(f) had confused |
Simple future I will confuseyou will confuse he will confuse she will confuse one will confuse we will confuse you will confuse they(m) will confuse they(f) will confuse |
Future perfect I will have confusedyou will have confused he will have confused she will have confused one will have confused we will have confused you will have confused they(m) will have confused they(f) will have confused |
Subjunctive | |
that + simple present that I confusethat you confuse that he confuses that she confuses that one confuses that we confuse that you confuse that they(m) confuse that they(f) confuse |
that + simple past that I confusedthat you confused that he confused that she confused that one confused that we confused that you confused that they(m) confused that they(f) confused |
Conditional | |
Conditional I Simple I would confuseyou would confuse he would confuse she would confuse one would confuse we would confuse you would confuse they(m) would confuse they(f) would confuse |
Conditional II Simple I would have confusedyou would have confused he would have confused she would have confused one would have confused we would have confused you would have confused they(m) would have confused they(f) would have confused |
Imperative | |
Present confuse!let's confuse! confuse! |
Infinitive | |
Present to confuse |
Past to have confused |
Gerund | |
Present confusing |
Past having confused |
Participle | |
Present confusing |
Past confused |