La conjugaison du verbe
Indicatif | |
Présent je conjuguetu conjugues il conjugue elle conjugue on conjugue nous conjuguons vous conjuguez ils conjuguent elles conjuguent |
Passé composé j'ai conjuguétu as conjugué il a conjugué elle a conjugué on a conjugué nous avons conjugué vous avez conjugué ils ont conjugué elles ont conjugué |
Imparfait je conjuguaistu conjuguais il conjuguait elle conjuguait on conjuguait nous conjuguions vous conjuguiez ils conjuguaient elles conjuguaient |
Plus-que-parfait j'avais conjuguétu avais conjugué il avait conjugué elle avait conjugué on avait conjugué nous avions conjugué vous aviez conjugué ils avaient conjugué elles avaient conjugué |
Passé simple je conjuguaitu conjuguas il conjugua elle conjugua on conjugua nous conjuguâmes vous conjuguâtes ils conjuguèrent elles conjuguèrent |
Passé antérieur j'eus conjuguétu eus conjugué il eut conjugué elle eut conjugué on eut conjugué nous eûmes conjugué vous eûtes conjugué ils eurent conjugué elles eurent conjugué |
Futur simple je conjugueraitu conjugueras il conjuguera elle conjuguera on conjuguera nous conjuguerons vous conjuguerez ils conjugueront elles conjugueront |
Futur antérieur j'aurai conjuguétu auras conjugué il aura conjugué elle aura conjugué on aura conjugué nous aurons conjugué vous aurez conjugué ils auront conjugué elles auront conjugué |
Subjonctif | |
Présent que je conjugueque tu conjugues qu'il conjugue qu'elle conjugue qu'on conjugue que nous conjuguions que vous conjuguiez qu'ils conjuguent qu'elles conjuguent |
Passé que j'aie conjuguéque tu aies conjugué qu'il ait conjugué qu'elle ait conjugué qu'on ait conjugué que nous ayons conjugué que vous ayez conjugué qu'ils aient conjugué qu'elles aient conjugué |
Imparfait que je conjuguasseque tu conjuguasses qu'il conjuguât qu'elle conjuguât qu'on conjuguât que nous conjuguassions que vous conjuguassiez qu'ils conjuguassent qu'elles conjuguassent |
Plus-que-parfait que j'eusse conjuguéque tu eusses conjugué qu'il eût conjugué qu'elle eût conjugué qu'on eût conjugué que nous eussions conjugué que vous eussiez conjugué qu'ils eussent conjugué qu'elles eussent conjugué |
Conditionnel | |
Présent je conjugueraistu conjuguerais il conjuguerait elle conjuguerait on conjuguerait nous conjuguerions vous conjugueriez ils conjugueraient elles conjugueraient |
Passé 1re forme j'aurais conjuguétu aurais conjugué il aurait conjugué elle aurait conjugué on aurait conjugué nous aurions conjugué vous auriez conjugué ils auraient conjugué elles auraient conjugué Passé 2e forme j'eusse conjuguétu eusses conjugué il eut conjugué elle eut conjugué on eut conjugué nous eussions conjugué vous eussiez conjugué ils eussent conjugué elles eussent conjugué |
Impératif | |
Présent conjugue!conjuguons! conjuguez! |
Passé aie conjuguéayons conjugué ayez conjugué |
Infinitif | |
Présent conjuguer |
Passé avoir conjugué |
Gérondif | |
Présent en conjuguant |
Passé en ayant conjugué |
Participe | |
Présent conjuguant |
Passé conjugué |
Conjugation of the verb
Indicative | |
Simple present I combineyou combine he combines she combines one combines we combine you combine they(m) combine they(f) combine |
Present perfect I have combinedyou have combined he has combined she has combined one has combined we have combined you have combined they(m) have combined they(f) have combined |
Past continuous I was combiningyou were combining he was combining she was combining one was combining we were combining you were combining they(m) were combining they(f) were combining |
Past perfect I had combinedyou had combined he had combined she had combined one had combined we had combined you had combined they(m) had combined they(f) had combined |
Simple past I combinedyou combined he combined she combined one combined we combined you combined they(m) combined they(f) combined |
Past perfect I had combinedyou had combined he had combined she had combined one had combined we had combined you had combined they(m) had combined they(f) had combined |
Simple future I will combineyou will combine he will combine she will combine one will combine we will combine you will combine they(m) will combine they(f) will combine |
Future perfect I will have combinedyou will have combined he will have combined she will have combined one will have combined we will have combined you will have combined they(m) will have combined they(f) will have combined |
Subjunctive | |
that + simple present that I combinethat you combine that he combines that she combines that one combines that we combine that you combine that they(m) combine that they(f) combine |
that + simple past that I combinedthat you combined that he combined that she combined that one combined that we combined that you combined that they(m) combined that they(f) combined |
Conditional | |
Conditional I Simple I would combineyou would combine he would combine she would combine one would combine we would combine you would combine they(m) would combine they(f) would combine |
Conditional II Simple I would have combinedyou would have combined he would have combined she would have combined one would have combined we would have combined you would have combined they(m) would have combined they(f) would have combined |
Imperative | |
Present combine!let's combine! combine! |
Infinitive | |
Present to combine |
Past to have combined |
Gerund | |
Present combining |
Past having combined |
Participle | |
Present combining |
Past combined |