La conjugaison du verbe
Indicatif | |
Présent je contractetu contractes il contracte elle contracte on contracte nous contractons vous contractez ils contractent elles contractent |
Passé composé j'ai contractétu as contracté il a contracté elle a contracté on a contracté nous avons contracté vous avez contracté ils ont contracté elles ont contracté |
Imparfait je contractaistu contractais il contractait elle contractait on contractait nous contractions vous contractiez ils contractaient elles contractaient |
Plus-que-parfait j'avais contractétu avais contracté il avait contracté elle avait contracté on avait contracté nous avions contracté vous aviez contracté ils avaient contracté elles avaient contracté |
Passé simple je contractaitu contractas il contracta elle contracta on contracta nous contractâmes vous contractâtes ils contractèrent elles contractèrent |
Passé antérieur j'eus contractétu eus contracté il eut contracté elle eut contracté on eut contracté nous eûmes contracté vous eûtes contracté ils eurent contracté elles eurent contracté |
Futur simple je contracteraitu contracteras il contractera elle contractera on contractera nous contracterons vous contracterez ils contracteront elles contracteront |
Futur antérieur j'aurai contractétu auras contracté il aura contracté elle aura contracté on aura contracté nous aurons contracté vous aurez contracté ils auront contracté elles auront contracté |
Subjonctif | |
Présent que je contracteque tu contractes qu'il contracte qu'elle contracte qu'on contracte que nous contractions que vous contractiez qu'ils contractent qu'elles contractent |
Passé que j'aie contractéque tu aies contracté qu'il ait contracté qu'elle ait contracté qu'on ait contracté que nous ayons contracté que vous ayez contracté qu'ils aient contracté qu'elles aient contracté |
Imparfait que je contractasseque tu contractasses qu'il contractât qu'elle contractât qu'on contractât que nous contractassions que vous contractassiez qu'ils contractassent qu'elles contractassent |
Plus-que-parfait que j'eusse contractéque tu eusses contracté qu'il eût contracté qu'elle eût contracté qu'on eût contracté que nous eussions contracté que vous eussiez contracté qu'ils eussent contracté qu'elles eussent contracté |
Conditionnel | |
Présent je contracteraistu contracterais il contracterait elle contracterait on contracterait nous contracterions vous contracteriez ils contracteraient elles contracteraient |
Passé 1re forme j'aurais contractétu aurais contracté il aurait contracté elle aurait contracté on aurait contracté nous aurions contracté vous auriez contracté ils auraient contracté elles auraient contracté Passé 2e forme j'eusse contractétu eusses contracté il eut contracté elle eut contracté on eut contracté nous eussions contracté vous eussiez contracté ils eussent contracté elles eussent contracté |
Impératif | |
Présent contracte!contractons! contractez! |
Passé aie contractéayons contracté ayez contracté |
Infinitif | |
Présent contracter |
Passé avoir contracté |
Gérondif | |
Présent en contractant |
Passé en ayant contracté |
Participe | |
Présent contractant |
Passé contracté |
Conjugation of the verb
Indicative | |
Simple present I contractyou contract he contracts she contracts one contracts we contract you contract they(m) contract they(f) contract |
Present perfect I have contractedyou have contracted he has contracted she has contracted one has contracted we have contracted you have contracted they(m) have contracted they(f) have contracted |
Past continuous I was contractingyou were contracting he was contracting she was contracting one was contracting we were contracting you were contracting they(m) were contracting they(f) were contracting |
Past perfect I had contractedyou had contracted he had contracted she had contracted one had contracted we had contracted you had contracted they(m) had contracted they(f) had contracted |
Simple past I contractedyou contracted he contracted she contracted one contracted we contracted you contracted they(m) contracted they(f) contracted |
Past perfect I had contractedyou had contracted he had contracted she had contracted one had contracted we had contracted you had contracted they(m) had contracted they(f) had contracted |
Simple future I will contractyou will contract he will contract she will contract one will contract we will contract you will contract they(m) will contract they(f) will contract |
Future perfect I will have contractedyou will have contracted he will have contracted she will have contracted one will have contracted we will have contracted you will have contracted they(m) will have contracted they(f) will have contracted |
Subjunctive | |
that + simple present that I contractthat you contract that he contracts that she contracts that one contracts that we contract that you contract that they(m) contract that they(f) contract |
that + simple past that I contractedthat you contracted that he contracted that she contracted that one contracted that we contracted that you contracted that they(m) contracted that they(f) contracted |
Conditional | |
Conditional I Simple I would contractyou would contract he would contract she would contract one would contract we would contract you would contract they(m) would contract they(f) would contract |
Conditional II Simple I would have contractedyou would have contracted he would have contracted she would have contracted one would have contracted we would have contracted you would have contracted they(m) would have contracted they(f) would have contracted |
Imperative | |
Present contract!let's contract! contract! |
Infinitive | |
Present to contract |
Past to have contracted |
Gerund | |
Present contracting |
Past having contracted |
Participle | |
Present contracting |
Past contracted |