La conjugaison du verbe
Indicatif | |
Présent je convoletu convoles il convole elle convole on convole nous convolons vous convolez ils convolent elles convolent |
Passé composé j'ai convolétu as convolé il a convolé elle a convolé on a convolé nous avons convolé vous avez convolé ils ont convolé elles ont convolé |
Imparfait je convolaistu convolais il convolait elle convolait on convolait nous convolions vous convoliez ils convolaient elles convolaient |
Plus-que-parfait j'avais convolétu avais convolé il avait convolé elle avait convolé on avait convolé nous avions convolé vous aviez convolé ils avaient convolé elles avaient convolé |
Passé simple je convolaitu convolas il convola elle convola on convola nous convolâmes vous convolâtes ils convolèrent elles convolèrent |
Passé antérieur j'eus convolétu eus convolé il eut convolé elle eut convolé on eut convolé nous eûmes convolé vous eûtes convolé ils eurent convolé elles eurent convolé |
Futur simple je convoleraitu convoleras il convolera elle convolera on convolera nous convolerons vous convolerez ils convoleront elles convoleront |
Futur antérieur j'aurai convolétu auras convolé il aura convolé elle aura convolé on aura convolé nous aurons convolé vous aurez convolé ils auront convolé elles auront convolé |
Subjonctif | |
Présent que je convoleque tu convoles qu'il convole qu'elle convole qu'on convole que nous convolions que vous convoliez qu'ils convolent qu'elles convolent |
Passé que j'aie convoléque tu aies convolé qu'il ait convolé qu'elle ait convolé qu'on ait convolé que nous ayons convolé que vous ayez convolé qu'ils aient convolé qu'elles aient convolé |
Imparfait que je convolasseque tu convolasses qu'il convolât qu'elle convolât qu'on convolât que nous convolassions que vous convolassiez qu'ils convolassent qu'elles convolassent |
Plus-que-parfait que j'eusse convoléque tu eusses convolé qu'il eût convolé qu'elle eût convolé qu'on eût convolé que nous eussions convolé que vous eussiez convolé qu'ils eussent convolé qu'elles eussent convolé |
Conditionnel | |
Présent je convoleraistu convolerais il convolerait elle convolerait on convolerait nous convolerions vous convoleriez ils convoleraient elles convoleraient |
Passé 1re forme j'aurais convolétu aurais convolé il aurait convolé elle aurait convolé on aurait convolé nous aurions convolé vous auriez convolé ils auraient convolé elles auraient convolé Passé 2e forme j'eusse convolétu eusses convolé il eut convolé elle eut convolé on eut convolé nous eussions convolé vous eussiez convolé ils eussent convolé elles eussent convolé |
Impératif | |
Présent convole!convolons! convolez! |
Passé aie convoléayons convolé ayez convolé |
Infinitif | |
Présent convoler |
Passé avoir convolé |
Gérondif | |
Présent en convolant |
Passé en ayant convolé |
Participe | |
Présent convolant |
Passé convolé |
Conjugation of the verb
Indicative | |
Simple present I marryyou marry he marries she marries one marries we marry you marry they(m) marry they(f) marry |
Present perfect I have marriedyou have married he has married she has married one has married we have married you have married they(m) have married they(f) have married |
Past continuous I was marryingyou were marrying he was marrying she was marrying one was marrying we were marrying you were marrying they(m) were marrying they(f) were marrying |
Past perfect I had marriedyou had married he had married she had married one had married we had married you had married they(m) had married they(f) had married |
Simple past I marriedyou married he married she married one married we married you married they(m) married they(f) married |
Past perfect I had marriedyou had married he had married she had married one had married we had married you had married they(m) had married they(f) had married |
Simple future I will marryyou will marry he will marry she will marry one will marry we will marry you will marry they(m) will marry they(f) will marry |
Future perfect I will have marriedyou will have married he will have married she will have married one will have married we will have married you will have married they(m) will have married they(f) will have married |
Subjunctive | |
that + simple present that I marrythat you marry that he marries that she marries that one marries that we marry that you marry that they(m) marry that they(f) marry |
that + simple past that I marriedthat you married that he married that she married that one married that we married that you married that they(m) married that they(f) married |
Conditional | |
Conditional I Simple I would marryyou would marry he would marry she would marry one would marry we would marry you would marry they(m) would marry they(f) would marry |
Conditional II Simple I would have marriedyou would have married he would have married she would have married one would have married we would have married you would have married they(m) would have married they(f) would have married |
Imperative | |
Present marry!let's marry! marry! |
Infinitive | |
Present to marry |
Past to have married |
Gerund | |
Present marrying |
Past having married |
Participle | |
Present marrying |
Past married |