La conjugaison du verbe
Indicatif | |
Présent j' entouretu entoures il entoure elle entoure on entoure nous entourons vous entourez ils entourent elles entourent |
Passé composé j'ai entourétu as entouré il a entouré elle a entouré on a entouré nous avons entouré vous avez entouré ils ont entouré elles ont entouré |
Imparfait j' entouraistu entourais il entourait elle entourait on entourait nous entourions vous entouriez ils entouraient elles entouraient |
Plus-que-parfait j'avais entourétu avais entouré il avait entouré elle avait entouré on avait entouré nous avions entouré vous aviez entouré ils avaient entouré elles avaient entouré |
Passé simple j' entouraitu entouras il entoura elle entoura on entoura nous entourâmes vous entourâtes ils entourèrent elles entourèrent |
Passé antérieur j'eus entourétu eus entouré il eut entouré elle eut entouré on eut entouré nous eûmes entouré vous eûtes entouré ils eurent entouré elles eurent entouré |
Futur simple j' entoureraitu entoureras il entourera elle entourera on entourera nous entourerons vous entourerez ils entoureront elles entoureront |
Futur antérieur j'aurai entourétu auras entouré il aura entouré elle aura entouré on aura entouré nous aurons entouré vous aurez entouré ils auront entouré elles auront entouré |
Subjonctif | |
Présent que j' entoureque tu entoures qu'il entoure qu'elle entoure qu'on entoure que nous entourions que vous entouriez qu'ils entourent qu'elles entourent |
Passé que j'aie entouréque tu aies entouré qu'il ait entouré qu'elle ait entouré qu'on ait entouré que nous ayons entouré que vous ayez entouré qu'ils aient entouré qu'elles aient entouré |
Imparfait que j' entourasseque tu entourasses qu'il entourât qu'elle entourât qu'on entourât que nous entourassions que vous entourassiez qu'ils entourassent qu'elles entourassent |
Plus-que-parfait que j'eusse entouréque tu eusses entouré qu'il eût entouré qu'elle eût entouré qu'on eût entouré que nous eussions entouré que vous eussiez entouré qu'ils eussent entouré qu'elles eussent entouré |
Conditionnel | |
Présent j' entoureraistu entourerais il entourerait elle entourerait on entourerait nous entourerions vous entoureriez ils entoureraient elles entoureraient |
Passé 1re forme j'aurais entourétu aurais entouré il aurait entouré elle aurait entouré on aurait entouré nous aurions entouré vous auriez entouré ils auraient entouré elles auraient entouré Passé 2e forme j'eusse entourétu eusses entouré il eut entouré elle eut entouré on eut entouré nous eussions entouré vous eussiez entouré ils eussent entouré elles eussent entouré |
Impératif | |
Présent entoure!entourons! entourez! |
Passé aie entouréayons entouré ayez entouré |
Infinitif | |
Présent entourer |
Passé avoir entouré |
Gérondif | |
Présent en entourant |
Passé en ayant entouré |
Participe | |
Présent entourant |
Passé entouré |
Conjugation of the verb
Indicative | |
Simple present I surroundyou surround he surrounds she surrounds one surrounds we surround you surround they(m) surround they(f) surround |
Present perfect I have surroundedyou have surrounded he has surrounded she has surrounded one has surrounded we have surrounded you have surrounded they(m) have surrounded they(f) have surrounded |
Past continuous I was surroundingyou were surrounding he was surrounding she was surrounding one was surrounding we were surrounding you were surrounding they(m) were surrounding they(f) were surrounding |
Past perfect I had surroundedyou had surrounded he had surrounded she had surrounded one had surrounded we had surrounded you had surrounded they(m) had surrounded they(f) had surrounded |
Simple past I surroundedyou surrounded he surrounded she surrounded one surrounded we surrounded you surrounded they(m) surrounded they(f) surrounded |
Past perfect I had surroundedyou had surrounded he had surrounded she had surrounded one had surrounded we had surrounded you had surrounded they(m) had surrounded they(f) had surrounded |
Simple future I will surroundyou will surround he will surround she will surround one will surround we will surround you will surround they(m) will surround they(f) will surround |
Future perfect I will have surroundedyou will have surrounded he will have surrounded she will have surrounded one will have surrounded we will have surrounded you will have surrounded they(m) will have surrounded they(f) will have surrounded |
Subjunctive | |
that + simple present that I surroundthat you surround that he surrounds that she surrounds that one surrounds that we surround that you surround that they(m) surround that they(f) surround |
that + simple past that I surroundedthat you surrounded that he surrounded that she surrounded that one surrounded that we surrounded that you surrounded that they(m) surrounded that they(f) surrounded |
Conditional | |
Conditional I Simple I would surroundyou would surround he would surround she would surround one would surround we would surround you would surround they(m) would surround they(f) would surround |
Conditional II Simple I would have surroundedyou would have surrounded he would have surrounded she would have surrounded one would have surrounded we would have surrounded you would have surrounded they(m) would have surrounded they(f) would have surrounded |
Imperative | |
Present surround!let's surround! surround! |
Infinitive | |
Present to surround |
Past to have surrounded |
Gerund | |
Present surrounding |
Past having surrounded |
Participle | |
Present surrounding |
Past surrounded |