La conjugaison du verbe
Indicatif | |
Présent je flirtetu flirtes il flirte elle flirte on flirte nous flirtons vous flirtez ils flirtent elles flirtent |
Passé composé j'ai flirtétu as flirté il a flirté elle a flirté on a flirté nous avons flirté vous avez flirté ils ont flirté elles ont flirté |
Imparfait je flirtaistu flirtais il flirtait elle flirtait on flirtait nous flirtions vous flirtiez ils flirtaient elles flirtaient |
Plus-que-parfait j'avais flirtétu avais flirté il avait flirté elle avait flirté on avait flirté nous avions flirté vous aviez flirté ils avaient flirté elles avaient flirté |
Passé simple je flirtaitu flirtas il flirta elle flirta on flirta nous flirtâmes vous flirtâtes ils flirtèrent elles flirtèrent |
Passé antérieur j'eus flirtétu eus flirté il eut flirté elle eut flirté on eut flirté nous eûmes flirté vous eûtes flirté ils eurent flirté elles eurent flirté |
Futur simple je flirteraitu flirteras il flirtera elle flirtera on flirtera nous flirterons vous flirterez ils flirteront elles flirteront |
Futur antérieur j'aurai flirtétu auras flirté il aura flirté elle aura flirté on aura flirté nous aurons flirté vous aurez flirté ils auront flirté elles auront flirté |
Subjonctif | |
Présent que je flirteque tu flirtes qu'il flirte qu'elle flirte qu'on flirte que nous flirtions que vous flirtiez qu'ils flirtent qu'elles flirtent |
Passé que j'aie flirtéque tu aies flirté qu'il ait flirté qu'elle ait flirté qu'on ait flirté que nous ayons flirté que vous ayez flirté qu'ils aient flirté qu'elles aient flirté |
Imparfait que je flirtasseque tu flirtasses qu'il flirtât qu'elle flirtât qu'on flirtât que nous flirtassions que vous flirtassiez qu'ils flirtassent qu'elles flirtassent |
Plus-que-parfait que j'eusse flirtéque tu eusses flirté qu'il eût flirté qu'elle eût flirté qu'on eût flirté que nous eussions flirté que vous eussiez flirté qu'ils eussent flirté qu'elles eussent flirté |
Conditionnel | |
Présent je flirteraistu flirterais il flirterait elle flirterait on flirterait nous flirterions vous flirteriez ils flirteraient elles flirteraient |
Passé 1re forme j'aurais flirtétu aurais flirté il aurait flirté elle aurait flirté on aurait flirté nous aurions flirté vous auriez flirté ils auraient flirté elles auraient flirté Passé 2e forme j'eusse flirtétu eusses flirté il eut flirté elle eut flirté on eut flirté nous eussions flirté vous eussiez flirté ils eussent flirté elles eussent flirté |
Impératif | |
Présent flirte!flirtons! flirtez! |
Passé aie flirtéayons flirté ayez flirté |
Infinitif | |
Présent flirter |
Passé avoir flirté |
Gérondif | |
Présent en flirtant |
Passé en ayant flirté |
Participe | |
Présent flirtant |
Passé flirté |
Conjugation of the verb
Indicative | |
Simple present I flirtyou flirt he flirts she flirts one flirts we flirt you flirt they(m) flirt they(f) flirt |
Present perfect I have flirtedyou have flirted he has flirted she has flirted one has flirted we have flirted you have flirted they(m) have flirted they(f) have flirted |
Past continuous I was flirtingyou were flirting he was flirting she was flirting one was flirting we were flirting you were flirting they(m) were flirting they(f) were flirting |
Past perfect I had flirtedyou had flirted he had flirted she had flirted one had flirted we had flirted you had flirted they(m) had flirted they(f) had flirted |
Simple past I flirtedyou flirted he flirted she flirted one flirted we flirted you flirted they(m) flirted they(f) flirted |
Past perfect I had flirtedyou had flirted he had flirted she had flirted one had flirted we had flirted you had flirted they(m) had flirted they(f) had flirted |
Simple future I will flirtyou will flirt he will flirt she will flirt one will flirt we will flirt you will flirt they(m) will flirt they(f) will flirt |
Future perfect I will have flirtedyou will have flirted he will have flirted she will have flirted one will have flirted we will have flirted you will have flirted they(m) will have flirted they(f) will have flirted |
Subjunctive | |
that + simple present that I flirtthat you flirt that he flirts that she flirts that one flirts that we flirt that you flirt that they(m) flirt that they(f) flirt |
that + simple past that I flirtedthat you flirted that he flirted that she flirted that one flirted that we flirted that you flirted that they(m) flirted that they(f) flirted |
Conditional | |
Conditional I Simple I would flirtyou would flirt he would flirt she would flirt one would flirt we would flirt you would flirt they(m) would flirt they(f) would flirt |
Conditional II Simple I would have flirtedyou would have flirted he would have flirted she would have flirted one would have flirted we would have flirted you would have flirted they(m) would have flirted they(f) would have flirted |
Imperative | |
Present flirt!let's flirt! flirt! |
Infinitive | |
Present to flirt |
Past to have flirted |
Gerund | |
Present flirting |
Past having flirted |
Participle | |
Present flirting |
Past flirted |