La conjugaison du verbe
Indicatif | |
Présent je gênetu gênes il gêne elle gêne on gêne nous gênons vous gênez ils gênent elles gênent |
Passé composé j'ai gênétu as gêné il a gêné elle a gêné on a gêné nous avons gêné vous avez gêné ils ont gêné elles ont gêné |
Imparfait je gênaistu gênais il gênait elle gênait on gênait nous gênions vous gêniez ils gênaient elles gênaient |
Plus-que-parfait j'avais gênétu avais gêné il avait gêné elle avait gêné on avait gêné nous avions gêné vous aviez gêné ils avaient gêné elles avaient gêné |
Passé simple je gênaitu gênas il gêna elle gêna on gêna nous gênâmes vous gênâtes ils gênèrent elles gênèrent |
Passé antérieur j'eus gênétu eus gêné il eut gêné elle eut gêné on eut gêné nous eûmes gêné vous eûtes gêné ils eurent gêné elles eurent gêné |
Futur simple je gêneraitu gêneras il gênera elle gênera on gênera nous gênerons vous gênerez ils gêneront elles gêneront |
Futur antérieur j'aurai gênétu auras gêné il aura gêné elle aura gêné on aura gêné nous aurons gêné vous aurez gêné ils auront gêné elles auront gêné |
Subjonctif | |
Présent que je gêneque tu gênes qu'il gêne qu'elle gêne qu'on gêne que nous gênions que vous gêniez qu'ils gênent qu'elles gênent |
Passé que j'aie gênéque tu aies gêné qu'il ait gêné qu'elle ait gêné qu'on ait gêné que nous ayons gêné que vous ayez gêné qu'ils aient gêné qu'elles aient gêné |
Imparfait que je gênasseque tu gênasses qu'il gênât qu'elle gênât qu'on gênât que nous gênassions que vous gênassiez qu'ils gênassent qu'elles gênassent |
Plus-que-parfait que j'eusse gênéque tu eusses gêné qu'il eût gêné qu'elle eût gêné qu'on eût gêné que nous eussions gêné que vous eussiez gêné qu'ils eussent gêné qu'elles eussent gêné |
Conditionnel | |
Présent je gêneraistu gênerais il gênerait elle gênerait on gênerait nous gênerions vous gêneriez ils gêneraient elles gêneraient |
Passé 1re forme j'aurais gênétu aurais gêné il aurait gêné elle aurait gêné on aurait gêné nous aurions gêné vous auriez gêné ils auraient gêné elles auraient gêné Passé 2e forme j'eusse gênétu eusses gêné il eut gêné elle eut gêné on eut gêné nous eussions gêné vous eussiez gêné ils eussent gêné elles eussent gêné |
Impératif | |
Présent gêne!gênons! gênez! |
Passé aie gênéayons gêné ayez gêné |
Infinitif | |
Présent gêner |
Passé avoir gêné |
Gérondif | |
Présent en gênant |
Passé en ayant gêné |
Participe | |
Présent gênant |
Passé gêné |
Conjugation of the verb
Indicative | |
Simple present I botheryou bother he bothers she bothers one bothers we bother you bother they(m) bother they(f) bother |
Present perfect I have botheredyou have bothered he has bothered she has bothered one has bothered we have bothered you have bothered they(m) have bothered they(f) have bothered |
Past continuous I was botheringyou were bothering he was bothering she was bothering one was bothering we were bothering you were bothering they(m) were bothering they(f) were bothering |
Past perfect I had botheredyou had bothered he had bothered she had bothered one had bothered we had bothered you had bothered they(m) had bothered they(f) had bothered |
Simple past I botheredyou bothered he bothered she bothered one bothered we bothered you bothered they(m) bothered they(f) bothered |
Past perfect I had botheredyou had bothered he had bothered she had bothered one had bothered we had bothered you had bothered they(m) had bothered they(f) had bothered |
Simple future I will botheryou will bother he will bother she will bother one will bother we will bother you will bother they(m) will bother they(f) will bother |
Future perfect I will have botheredyou will have bothered he will have bothered she will have bothered one will have bothered we will have bothered you will have bothered they(m) will have bothered they(f) will have bothered |
Subjunctive | |
that + simple present that I botherthat you bother that he bothers that she bothers that one bothers that we bother that you bother that they(m) bother that they(f) bother |
that + simple past that I botheredthat you bothered that he bothered that she bothered that one bothered that we bothered that you bothered that they(m) bothered that they(f) bothered |
Conditional | |
Conditional I Simple I would botheryou would bother he would bother she would bother one would bother we would bother you would bother they(m) would bother they(f) would bother |
Conditional II Simple I would have botheredyou would have bothered he would have bothered she would have bothered one would have bothered we would have bothered you would have bothered they(m) would have bothered they(f) would have bothered |
Imperative | |
Present bother!let's bother! bother! |
Infinitive | |
Present to bother |
Past to have bothered |
Gerund | |
Present bothering |
Past having bothered |
Participle | |
Present bothering |
Past bothered |