La conjugaison du verbe
Indicatif | |
Présent j' inculquetu inculques il inculque elle inculque on inculque nous inculquons vous inculquez ils inculquent elles inculquent |
Passé composé j'ai inculquétu as inculqué il a inculqué elle a inculqué on a inculqué nous avons inculqué vous avez inculqué ils ont inculqué elles ont inculqué |
Imparfait j' inculquaistu inculquais il inculquait elle inculquait on inculquait nous inculquions vous inculquiez ils inculquaient elles inculquaient |
Plus-que-parfait j'avais inculquétu avais inculqué il avait inculqué elle avait inculqué on avait inculqué nous avions inculqué vous aviez inculqué ils avaient inculqué elles avaient inculqué |
Passé simple j' inculquaitu inculquas il inculqua elle inculqua on inculqua nous inculquâmes vous inculquâtes ils inculquèrent elles inculquèrent |
Passé antérieur j'eus inculquétu eus inculqué il eut inculqué elle eut inculqué on eut inculqué nous eûmes inculqué vous eûtes inculqué ils eurent inculqué elles eurent inculqué |
Futur simple j' inculqueraitu inculqueras il inculquera elle inculquera on inculquera nous inculquerons vous inculquerez ils inculqueront elles inculqueront |
Futur antérieur j'aurai inculquétu auras inculqué il aura inculqué elle aura inculqué on aura inculqué nous aurons inculqué vous aurez inculqué ils auront inculqué elles auront inculqué |
Subjonctif | |
Présent que j' inculqueque tu inculques qu'il inculque qu'elle inculque qu'on inculque que nous inculquions que vous inculquiez qu'ils inculquent qu'elles inculquent |
Passé que j'aie inculquéque tu aies inculqué qu'il ait inculqué qu'elle ait inculqué qu'on ait inculqué que nous ayons inculqué que vous ayez inculqué qu'ils aient inculqué qu'elles aient inculqué |
Imparfait que j' inculquasseque tu inculquasses qu'il inculquât qu'elle inculquât qu'on inculquât que nous inculquassions que vous inculquassiez qu'ils inculquassent qu'elles inculquassent |
Plus-que-parfait que j'eusse inculquéque tu eusses inculqué qu'il eût inculqué qu'elle eût inculqué qu'on eût inculqué que nous eussions inculqué que vous eussiez inculqué qu'ils eussent inculqué qu'elles eussent inculqué |
Conditionnel | |
Présent j' inculqueraistu inculquerais il inculquerait elle inculquerait on inculquerait nous inculquerions vous inculqueriez ils inculqueraient elles inculqueraient |
Passé 1re forme j'aurais inculquétu aurais inculqué il aurait inculqué elle aurait inculqué on aurait inculqué nous aurions inculqué vous auriez inculqué ils auraient inculqué elles auraient inculqué Passé 2e forme j'eusse inculquétu eusses inculqué il eut inculqué elle eut inculqué on eut inculqué nous eussions inculqué vous eussiez inculqué ils eussent inculqué elles eussent inculqué |
Impératif | |
Présent inculque!inculquons! inculquez! |
Passé aie inculquéayons inculqué ayez inculqué |
Infinitif | |
Présent inculquer |
Passé avoir inculqué |
Gérondif | |
Présent en inculquant |
Passé en ayant inculqué |
Participe | |
Présent inculquant |
Passé inculqué |
Conjugation of the verb
Indicative | |
Simple present I inculcateyou inculcate he inculcates she inculcates one inculcates we inculcate you inculcate they(m) inculcate they(f) inculcate |
Present perfect I have inculcatedyou have inculcated he has inculcated she has inculcated one has inculcated we have inculcated you have inculcated they(m) have inculcated they(f) have inculcated |
Past continuous I was inculcatingyou were inculcating he was inculcating she was inculcating one was inculcating we were inculcating you were inculcating they(m) were inculcating they(f) were inculcating |
Past perfect I had inculcatedyou had inculcated he had inculcated she had inculcated one had inculcated we had inculcated you had inculcated they(m) had inculcated they(f) had inculcated |
Simple past I inculcatedyou inculcated he inculcated she inculcated one inculcated we inculcated you inculcated they(m) inculcated they(f) inculcated |
Past perfect I had inculcatedyou had inculcated he had inculcated she had inculcated one had inculcated we had inculcated you had inculcated they(m) had inculcated they(f) had inculcated |
Simple future I will inculcateyou will inculcate he will inculcate she will inculcate one will inculcate we will inculcate you will inculcate they(m) will inculcate they(f) will inculcate |
Future perfect I will have inculcatedyou will have inculcated he will have inculcated she will have inculcated one will have inculcated we will have inculcated you will have inculcated they(m) will have inculcated they(f) will have inculcated |
Subjunctive | |
that + simple present that I inculcatethat you inculcate that he inculcates that she inculcates that one inculcates that we inculcate that you inculcate that they(m) inculcate that they(f) inculcate |
that + simple past that I inculcatedthat you inculcated that he inculcated that she inculcated that one inculcated that we inculcated that you inculcated that they(m) inculcated that they(f) inculcated |
Conditional | |
Conditional I Simple I would inculcateyou would inculcate he would inculcate she would inculcate one would inculcate we would inculcate you would inculcate they(m) would inculcate they(f) would inculcate |
Conditional II Simple I would have inculcatedyou would have inculcated he would have inculcated she would have inculcated one would have inculcated we would have inculcated you would have inculcated they(m) would have inculcated they(f) would have inculcated |
Imperative | |
Present inculcate!let's inculcate! inculcate! |
Infinitive | |
Present to inculcate |
Past to have inculcated |
Gerund | |
Present inculcating |
Past having inculcated |
Participle | |
Present inculcating |
Past inculcated |