La conjugaison du verbe
Indicatif | |
Présent je lancetu lances il lance elle lance on lance nous lançons vous lancez ils lancent elles lancent |
Passé composé j'ai lancétu as lancé il a lancé elle a lancé on a lancé nous avons lancé vous avez lancé ils ont lancé elles ont lancé |
Imparfait je lançaistu lançais il lançait elle lançait on lançait nous lancions vous lanciez ils lançaient elles lançaient |
Plus-que-parfait j'avais lancétu avais lancé il avait lancé elle avait lancé on avait lancé nous avions lancé vous aviez lancé ils avaient lancé elles avaient lancé |
Passé simple je lançaitu lanças il lança elle lança on lança nous lançâmes vous lançâtes ils lancèrent elles lancèrent |
Passé antérieur j'eus lancétu eus lancé il eut lancé elle eut lancé on eut lancé nous eûmes lancé vous eûtes lancé ils eurent lancé elles eurent lancé |
Futur simple je lanceraitu lanceras il lancera elle lancera on lancera nous lancerons vous lancerez ils lanceront elles lanceront |
Futur antérieur j'aurai lancétu auras lancé il aura lancé elle aura lancé on aura lancé nous aurons lancé vous aurez lancé ils auront lancé elles auront lancé |
Subjonctif | |
Présent que je lanceque tu lances qu'il lance qu'elle lance qu'on lance que nous lancions que vous lanciez qu'ils lancent qu'elles lancent |
Passé que j'aie lancéque tu aies lancé qu'il ait lancé qu'elle ait lancé qu'on ait lancé que nous ayons lancé que vous ayez lancé qu'ils aient lancé qu'elles aient lancé |
Imparfait que je lançasseque tu lançasses qu'il lançât qu'elle lançât qu'on lançât que nous lançassions que vous lançassiez qu'ils lançassent qu'elles lançassent |
Plus-que-parfait que j'eusse lancéque tu eusses lancé qu'il eût lancé qu'elle eût lancé qu'on eût lancé que nous eussions lancé que vous eussiez lancé qu'ils eussent lancé qu'elles eussent lancé |
Conditionnel | |
Présent je lanceraistu lancerais il lancerait elle lancerait on lancerait nous lancerions vous lanceriez ils lanceraient elles lanceraient |
Passé 1re forme j'aurais lancétu aurais lancé il aurait lancé elle aurait lancé on aurait lancé nous aurions lancé vous auriez lancé ils auraient lancé elles auraient lancé Passé 2e forme j'eusse lancétu eusses lancé il eut lancé elle eut lancé on eut lancé nous eussions lancé vous eussiez lancé ils eussent lancé elles eussent lancé |
Impératif | |
Présent lance!lançons! lancez! |
Passé aie lancéayons lancé ayez lancé |
Infinitif | |
Présent lancer |
Passé avoir lancé |
Gérondif | |
Présent en lançant |
Passé en ayant lancé |
Participe | |
Présent lançant |
Passé lancé |
Conjugation of the verb
Indicative | |
Simple present I throwyou throw he throws she throws one throws we throw you throw they(m) throw they(f) throw |
Present perfect I have thrownyou have thrown he has thrown she has thrown one has thrown we have thrown you have thrown they(m) have thrown they(f) have thrown |
Past continuous I was throwingyou were throwing he was throwing she was throwing one was throwing we were throwing you were throwing they(m) were throwing they(f) were throwing |
Past perfect I had thrownyou had thrown he had thrown she had thrown one had thrown we had thrown you had thrown they(m) had thrown they(f) had thrown |
Simple past I threwyou threw he threw she threw one threw we threw you threw they(m) threw they(f) threw |
Past perfect I had thrownyou had thrown he had thrown she had thrown one had thrown we had thrown you had thrown they(m) had thrown they(f) had thrown |
Simple future I will throwyou will throw he will throw she will throw one will throw we will throw you will throw they(m) will throw they(f) will throw |
Future perfect I will have thrownyou will have thrown he will have thrown she will have thrown one will have thrown we will have thrown you will have thrown they(m) will have thrown they(f) will have thrown |
Subjunctive | |
that + simple present that I throwthat you throw that he throws that she throws that one throws that we throw that you throw that they(m) throw that they(f) throw |
that + simple past that I threwthat you threw that he threw that she threw that one threw that we threw that you threw that they(m) threw that they(f) threw |
Conditional | |
Conditional I Simple I would throwyou would throw he would throw she would throw one would throw we would throw you would throw they(m) would throw they(f) would throw |
Conditional II Simple I would have thrownyou would have thrown he would have thrown she would have thrown one would have thrown we would have thrown you would have thrown they(m) would have thrown they(f) would have thrown |
Imperative | |
Present throw!let's throw! throw! |
Infinitive | |
Present to throw |
Past to have thrown |
Gerund | |
Present throwing |
Past having thrown |
Participle | |
Present throwing |
Past thrown |