La conjugaison du verbe
Indicatif | |
Présent je lustretu lustres il lustre elle lustre on lustre nous lustrons vous lustrez ils lustrent elles lustrent |
Passé composé j'ai lustrétu as lustré il a lustré elle a lustré on a lustré nous avons lustré vous avez lustré ils ont lustré elles ont lustré |
Imparfait je lustraistu lustrais il lustrait elle lustrait on lustrait nous lustrions vous lustriez ils lustraient elles lustraient |
Plus-que-parfait j'avais lustrétu avais lustré il avait lustré elle avait lustré on avait lustré nous avions lustré vous aviez lustré ils avaient lustré elles avaient lustré |
Passé simple je lustraitu lustras il lustra elle lustra on lustra nous lustrâmes vous lustrâtes ils lustrèrent elles lustrèrent |
Passé antérieur j'eus lustrétu eus lustré il eut lustré elle eut lustré on eut lustré nous eûmes lustré vous eûtes lustré ils eurent lustré elles eurent lustré |
Futur simple je lustreraitu lustreras il lustrera elle lustrera on lustrera nous lustrerons vous lustrerez ils lustreront elles lustreront |
Futur antérieur j'aurai lustrétu auras lustré il aura lustré elle aura lustré on aura lustré nous aurons lustré vous aurez lustré ils auront lustré elles auront lustré |
Subjonctif | |
Présent que je lustreque tu lustres qu'il lustre qu'elle lustre qu'on lustre que nous lustrions que vous lustriez qu'ils lustrent qu'elles lustrent |
Passé que j'aie lustréque tu aies lustré qu'il ait lustré qu'elle ait lustré qu'on ait lustré que nous ayons lustré que vous ayez lustré qu'ils aient lustré qu'elles aient lustré |
Imparfait que je lustrasseque tu lustrasses qu'il lustrât qu'elle lustrât qu'on lustrât que nous lustrassions que vous lustrassiez qu'ils lustrassent qu'elles lustrassent |
Plus-que-parfait que j'eusse lustréque tu eusses lustré qu'il eût lustré qu'elle eût lustré qu'on eût lustré que nous eussions lustré que vous eussiez lustré qu'ils eussent lustré qu'elles eussent lustré |
Conditionnel | |
Présent je lustreraistu lustrerais il lustrerait elle lustrerait on lustrerait nous lustrerions vous lustreriez ils lustreraient elles lustreraient |
Passé 1re forme j'aurais lustrétu aurais lustré il aurait lustré elle aurait lustré on aurait lustré nous aurions lustré vous auriez lustré ils auraient lustré elles auraient lustré Passé 2e forme j'eusse lustrétu eusses lustré il eut lustré elle eut lustré on eut lustré nous eussions lustré vous eussiez lustré ils eussent lustré elles eussent lustré |
Impératif | |
Présent lustre!lustrons! lustrez! |
Passé aie lustréayons lustré ayez lustré |
Infinitif | |
Présent lustrer |
Passé avoir lustré |
Gérondif | |
Présent en lustrant |
Passé en ayant lustré |
Participe | |
Présent lustrant |
Passé lustré |
Conjugation of the verb
Indicative | |
Simple present I polishyou polish he polishes she polishes one polishes we polish you polish they(m) polish they(f) polish |
Present perfect I have polishedyou have polished he has polished she has polished one has polished we have polished you have polished they(m) have polished they(f) have polished |
Past continuous I was polishingyou were polishing he was polishing she was polishing one was polishing we were polishing you were polishing they(m) were polishing they(f) were polishing |
Past perfect I had polishedyou had polished he had polished she had polished one had polished we had polished you had polished they(m) had polished they(f) had polished |
Simple past I polishedyou polished he polished she polished one polished we polished you polished they(m) polished they(f) polished |
Past perfect I had polishedyou had polished he had polished she had polished one had polished we had polished you had polished they(m) had polished they(f) had polished |
Simple future I will polishyou will polish he will polish she will polish one will polish we will polish you will polish they(m) will polish they(f) will polish |
Future perfect I will have polishedyou will have polished he will have polished she will have polished one will have polished we will have polished you will have polished they(m) will have polished they(f) will have polished |
Subjunctive | |
that + simple present that I polishthat you polish that he polishes that she polishes that one polishes that we polish that you polish that they(m) polish that they(f) polish |
that + simple past that I polishedthat you polished that he polished that she polished that one polished that we polished that you polished that they(m) polished that they(f) polished |
Conditional | |
Conditional I Simple I would polishyou would polish he would polish she would polish one would polish we would polish you would polish they(m) would polish they(f) would polish |
Conditional II Simple I would have polishedyou would have polished he would have polished she would have polished one would have polished we would have polished you would have polished they(m) would have polished they(f) would have polished |
Imperative | |
Present polish!let's polish! polish! |
Infinitive | |
Present to polish |
Past to have polished |
Gerund | |
Present polishing |
Past having polished |
Participle | |
Present polishing |
Past polished |