La conjugaison du verbe
Indicatif | |
Présent je raccommodetu raccommodes il raccommode elle raccommode on raccommode nous raccommodons vous raccommodez ils raccommodent elles raccommodent |
Passé composé j'ai raccommodétu as raccommodé il a raccommodé elle a raccommodé on a raccommodé nous avons raccommodé vous avez raccommodé ils ont raccommodé elles ont raccommodé |
Imparfait je raccommodaistu raccommodais il raccommodait elle raccommodait on raccommodait nous raccommodions vous raccommodiez ils raccommodaient elles raccommodaient |
Plus-que-parfait j'avais raccommodétu avais raccommodé il avait raccommodé elle avait raccommodé on avait raccommodé nous avions raccommodé vous aviez raccommodé ils avaient raccommodé elles avaient raccommodé |
Passé simple je raccommodaitu raccommodas il raccommoda elle raccommoda on raccommoda nous raccommodâmes vous raccommodâtes ils raccommodèrent elles raccommodèrent |
Passé antérieur j'eus raccommodétu eus raccommodé il eut raccommodé elle eut raccommodé on eut raccommodé nous eûmes raccommodé vous eûtes raccommodé ils eurent raccommodé elles eurent raccommodé |
Futur simple je raccommoderaitu raccommoderas il raccommodera elle raccommodera on raccommodera nous raccommoderons vous raccommoderez ils raccommoderont elles raccommoderont |
Futur antérieur j'aurai raccommodétu auras raccommodé il aura raccommodé elle aura raccommodé on aura raccommodé nous aurons raccommodé vous aurez raccommodé ils auront raccommodé elles auront raccommodé |
Subjonctif | |
Présent que je raccommodeque tu raccommodes qu'il raccommode qu'elle raccommode qu'on raccommode que nous raccommodions que vous raccommodiez qu'ils raccommodent qu'elles raccommodent |
Passé que j'aie raccommodéque tu aies raccommodé qu'il ait raccommodé qu'elle ait raccommodé qu'on ait raccommodé que nous ayons raccommodé que vous ayez raccommodé qu'ils aient raccommodé qu'elles aient raccommodé |
Imparfait que je raccommodasseque tu raccommodasses qu'il raccommodât qu'elle raccommodât qu'on raccommodât que nous raccommodassions que vous raccommodassiez qu'ils raccommodassent qu'elles raccommodassent |
Plus-que-parfait que j'eusse raccommodéque tu eusses raccommodé qu'il eût raccommodé qu'elle eût raccommodé qu'on eût raccommodé que nous eussions raccommodé que vous eussiez raccommodé qu'ils eussent raccommodé qu'elles eussent raccommodé |
Conditionnel | |
Présent je raccommoderaistu raccommoderais il raccommoderait elle raccommoderait on raccommoderait nous raccommoderions vous raccommoderiez ils raccommoderaient elles raccommoderaient |
Passé 1re forme j'aurais raccommodétu aurais raccommodé il aurait raccommodé elle aurait raccommodé on aurait raccommodé nous aurions raccommodé vous auriez raccommodé ils auraient raccommodé elles auraient raccommodé Passé 2e forme j'eusse raccommodétu eusses raccommodé il eut raccommodé elle eut raccommodé on eut raccommodé nous eussions raccommodé vous eussiez raccommodé ils eussent raccommodé elles eussent raccommodé |
Impératif | |
Présent raccommode!raccommodons! raccommodez! |
Passé aie raccommodéayons raccommodé ayez raccommodé |
Infinitif | |
Présent raccommoder |
Passé avoir raccommodé |
Gérondif | |
Présent en raccommodant |
Passé en ayant raccommodé |
Participe | |
Présent raccommodant |
Passé raccommodé |
Conjugation of the verb
Indicative | |
Simple present I mendyou mend he mends she mends one mends we mend you mend they(m) mend they(f) mend |
Present perfect I have mendedyou have mended he has mended she has mended one has mended we have mended you have mended they(m) have mended they(f) have mended |
Past continuous I was mendingyou were mending he was mending she was mending one was mending we were mending you were mending they(m) were mending they(f) were mending |
Past perfect I had mendedyou had mended he had mended she had mended one had mended we had mended you had mended they(m) had mended they(f) had mended |
Simple past I mendedyou mended he mended she mended one mended we mended you mended they(m) mended they(f) mended |
Past perfect I had mendedyou had mended he had mended she had mended one had mended we had mended you had mended they(m) had mended they(f) had mended |
Simple future I will mendyou will mend he will mend she will mend one will mend we will mend you will mend they(m) will mend they(f) will mend |
Future perfect I will have mendedyou will have mended he will have mended she will have mended one will have mended we will have mended you will have mended they(m) will have mended they(f) will have mended |
Subjunctive | |
that + simple present that I mendthat you mend that he mends that she mends that one mends that we mend that you mend that they(m) mend that they(f) mend |
that + simple past that I mendedthat you mended that he mended that she mended that one mended that we mended that you mended that they(m) mended that they(f) mended |
Conditional | |
Conditional I Simple I would mendyou would mend he would mend she would mend one would mend we would mend you would mend they(m) would mend they(f) would mend |
Conditional II Simple I would have mendedyou would have mended he would have mended she would have mended one would have mended we would have mended you would have mended they(m) would have mended they(f) would have mended |
Imperative | |
Present mend!let's mend! mend! |
Infinitive | |
Present to mend |
Past to have mended |
Gerund | |
Present mending |
Past having mended |
Participle | |
Present mending |
Past mended |