La conjugaison du verbe
Indicatif | |
Présent je renoncetu renonces il renonce elle renonce on renonce nous renonçons vous renoncez ils renoncent elles renoncent |
Passé composé j'ai renoncétu as renoncé il a renoncé elle a renoncé on a renoncé nous avons renoncé vous avez renoncé ils ont renoncé elles ont renoncé |
Imparfait je renonçaistu renonçais il renonçait elle renonçait on renonçait nous renoncions vous renonciez ils renonçaient elles renonçaient |
Plus-que-parfait j'avais renoncétu avais renoncé il avait renoncé elle avait renoncé on avait renoncé nous avions renoncé vous aviez renoncé ils avaient renoncé elles avaient renoncé |
Passé simple je renonçaitu renonças il renonça elle renonça on renonça nous renonçâmes vous renonçâtes ils renoncèrent elles renoncèrent |
Passé antérieur j'eus renoncétu eus renoncé il eut renoncé elle eut renoncé on eut renoncé nous eûmes renoncé vous eûtes renoncé ils eurent renoncé elles eurent renoncé |
Futur simple je renonceraitu renonceras il renoncera elle renoncera on renoncera nous renoncerons vous renoncerez ils renonceront elles renonceront |
Futur antérieur j'aurai renoncétu auras renoncé il aura renoncé elle aura renoncé on aura renoncé nous aurons renoncé vous aurez renoncé ils auront renoncé elles auront renoncé |
Subjonctif | |
Présent que je renonceque tu renonces qu'il renonce qu'elle renonce qu'on renonce que nous renoncions que vous renonciez qu'ils renoncent qu'elles renoncent |
Passé que j'aie renoncéque tu aies renoncé qu'il ait renoncé qu'elle ait renoncé qu'on ait renoncé que nous ayons renoncé que vous ayez renoncé qu'ils aient renoncé qu'elles aient renoncé |
Imparfait que je renonçasseque tu renonçasses qu'il renonçât qu'elle renonçât qu'on renonçât que nous renonçassions que vous renonçassiez qu'ils renonçassent qu'elles renonçassent |
Plus-que-parfait que j'eusse renoncéque tu eusses renoncé qu'il eût renoncé qu'elle eût renoncé qu'on eût renoncé que nous eussions renoncé que vous eussiez renoncé qu'ils eussent renoncé qu'elles eussent renoncé |
Conditionnel | |
Présent je renonceraistu renoncerais il renoncerait elle renoncerait on renoncerait nous renoncerions vous renonceriez ils renonceraient elles renonceraient |
Passé 1re forme j'aurais renoncétu aurais renoncé il aurait renoncé elle aurait renoncé on aurait renoncé nous aurions renoncé vous auriez renoncé ils auraient renoncé elles auraient renoncé Passé 2e forme j'eusse renoncétu eusses renoncé il eut renoncé elle eut renoncé on eut renoncé nous eussions renoncé vous eussiez renoncé ils eussent renoncé elles eussent renoncé |
Impératif | |
Présent renonce!renonçons! renoncez! |
Passé aie renoncéayons renoncé ayez renoncé |
Infinitif | |
Présent renoncer |
Passé avoir renoncé |
Gérondif | |
Présent en renonçant |
Passé en ayant renoncé |
Participe | |
Présent renonçant |
Passé renoncé |
Conjugation of the verb
Indicative | |
Simple present I renounceyou renounce he renounces she renounces one renounces we renounce you renounce they(m) renounce they(f) renounce |
Present perfect I have renouncedyou have renounced he has renounced she has renounced one has renounced we have renounced you have renounced they(m) have renounced they(f) have renounced |
Past continuous I was renouncingyou were renouncing he was renouncing she was renouncing one was renouncing we were renouncing you were renouncing they(m) were renouncing they(f) were renouncing |
Past perfect I had renouncedyou had renounced he had renounced she had renounced one had renounced we had renounced you had renounced they(m) had renounced they(f) had renounced |
Simple past I renouncedyou renounced he renounced she renounced one renounced we renounced you renounced they(m) renounced they(f) renounced |
Past perfect I had renouncedyou had renounced he had renounced she had renounced one had renounced we had renounced you had renounced they(m) had renounced they(f) had renounced |
Simple future I will renounceyou will renounce he will renounce she will renounce one will renounce we will renounce you will renounce they(m) will renounce they(f) will renounce |
Future perfect I will have renouncedyou will have renounced he will have renounced she will have renounced one will have renounced we will have renounced you will have renounced they(m) will have renounced they(f) will have renounced |
Subjunctive | |
that + simple present that I renouncethat you renounce that he renounces that she renounces that one renounces that we renounce that you renounce that they(m) renounce that they(f) renounce |
that + simple past that I renouncedthat you renounced that he renounced that she renounced that one renounced that we renounced that you renounced that they(m) renounced that they(f) renounced |
Conditional | |
Conditional I Simple I would renounceyou would renounce he would renounce she would renounce one would renounce we would renounce you would renounce they(m) would renounce they(f) would renounce |
Conditional II Simple I would have renouncedyou would have renounced he would have renounced she would have renounced one would have renounced we would have renounced you would have renounced they(m) would have renounced they(f) would have renounced |
Imperative | |
Present renounce!let's renounce! renounce! |
Infinitive | |
Present to renounce |
Past to have renounced |
Gerund | |
Present renouncing |
Past having renounced |
Participle | |
Present renouncing |
Past renounced |