La conjugaison du verbe
Indicatif | |
Présent je traitetu traites il traite elle traite on traite nous traitons vous traitez ils traitent elles traitent |
Passé composé j'ai traitétu as traité il a traité elle a traité on a traité nous avons traité vous avez traité ils ont traité elles ont traité |
Imparfait je traitaistu traitais il traitait elle traitait on traitait nous traitions vous traitiez ils traitaient elles traitaient |
Plus-que-parfait j'avais traitétu avais traité il avait traité elle avait traité on avait traité nous avions traité vous aviez traité ils avaient traité elles avaient traité |
Passé simple je traitaitu traitas il traita elle traita on traita nous traitâmes vous traitâtes ils traitèrent elles traitèrent |
Passé antérieur j'eus traitétu eus traité il eut traité elle eut traité on eut traité nous eûmes traité vous eûtes traité ils eurent traité elles eurent traité |
Futur simple je traiteraitu traiteras il traitera elle traitera on traitera nous traiterons vous traiterez ils traiteront elles traiteront |
Futur antérieur j'aurai traitétu auras traité il aura traité elle aura traité on aura traité nous aurons traité vous aurez traité ils auront traité elles auront traité |
Subjonctif | |
Présent que je traiteque tu traites qu'il traite qu'elle traite qu'on traite que nous traitions que vous traitiez qu'ils traitent qu'elles traitent |
Passé que j'aie traitéque tu aies traité qu'il ait traité qu'elle ait traité qu'on ait traité que nous ayons traité que vous ayez traité qu'ils aient traité qu'elles aient traité |
Imparfait que je traitasseque tu traitasses qu'il traitât qu'elle traitât qu'on traitât que nous traitassions que vous traitassiez qu'ils traitassent qu'elles traitassent |
Plus-que-parfait que j'eusse traitéque tu eusses traité qu'il eût traité qu'elle eût traité qu'on eût traité que nous eussions traité que vous eussiez traité qu'ils eussent traité qu'elles eussent traité |
Conditionnel | |
Présent je traiteraistu traiterais il traiterait elle traiterait on traiterait nous traiterions vous traiteriez ils traiteraient elles traiteraient |
Passé 1re forme j'aurais traitétu aurais traité il aurait traité elle aurait traité on aurait traité nous aurions traité vous auriez traité ils auraient traité elles auraient traité Passé 2e forme j'eusse traitétu eusses traité il eut traité elle eut traité on eut traité nous eussions traité vous eussiez traité ils eussent traité elles eussent traité |
Impératif | |
Présent traite!traitons! traitez! |
Passé aie traitéayons traité ayez traité |
Infinitif | |
Présent traiter |
Passé avoir traité |
Gérondif | |
Présent en traitant |
Passé en ayant traité |
Participe | |
Présent traitant |
Passé traité |
Conjugation of the verb
Indicative | |
Simple present I treatyou treat he treats she treats one treats we treat you treat they(m) treat they(f) treat |
Present perfect I have treatedyou have treated he has treated she has treated one has treated we have treated you have treated they(m) have treated they(f) have treated |
Past continuous I was treatingyou were treating he was treating she was treating one was treating we were treating you were treating they(m) were treating they(f) were treating |
Past perfect I had treatedyou had treated he had treated she had treated one had treated we had treated you had treated they(m) had treated they(f) had treated |
Simple past I treatedyou treated he treated she treated one treated we treated you treated they(m) treated they(f) treated |
Past perfect I had treatedyou had treated he had treated she had treated one had treated we had treated you had treated they(m) had treated they(f) had treated |
Simple future I will treatyou will treat he will treat she will treat one will treat we will treat you will treat they(m) will treat they(f) will treat |
Future perfect I will have treatedyou will have treated he will have treated she will have treated one will have treated we will have treated you will have treated they(m) will have treated they(f) will have treated |
Subjunctive | |
that + simple present that I treatthat you treat that he treats that she treats that one treats that we treat that you treat that they(m) treat that they(f) treat |
that + simple past that I treatedthat you treated that he treated that she treated that one treated that we treated that you treated that they(m) treated that they(f) treated |
Conditional | |
Conditional I Simple I would treatyou would treat he would treat she would treat one would treat we would treat you would treat they(m) would treat they(f) would treat |
Conditional II Simple I would have treatedyou would have treated he would have treated she would have treated one would have treated we would have treated you would have treated they(m) would have treated they(f) would have treated |
Imperative | |
Present treat!let's treat! treat! |
Infinitive | |
Present to treat |
Past to have treated |
Gerund | |
Present treating |
Past having treated |
Participle | |
Present treating |
Past treated |